
Should i work on this pack for the weekend?

Yes! This pack must continue!
No! Don't work, take time off.

Author Topic: Dinosaur Pack (different from Phydeoux's, update)  (Read 4276 times)

The tail looks more like a Drill rather than a tail. Tegen Toppa Gurren Dinosaur?

The thing is the tail with the neck are part of the body which was a cylinder and ya...i should change it

Hey lego lad good thing i was working on a brachio model that looks similar to that
Brachiosaur V.03:

I have just started on my pterodactyl right now i made the wings


I have just started on my pterodactyl right now i made the wings


bdarty Is actually my friend. He is making this pack for me to use on my dinosaur Roleplay Server. So once the pack is complete, Ill be the first to probably use it. Just letting ya'll know. - Left 4 Dead Hunter 

I have just started on my pterodactyl right now i made the wings

I don't think flying bots have ever been made, idk if it's even possible or if they'd work right.

I don't think flying bots have ever been made, idk if it's even possible or if they'd work right.

You can make them jet by changing their datablock to a standard player, but thats as far as it goes I think.

Hey guys btw so you know i update them EVERYDAY if possible so its gonna be done quickly i edited the pterodactyl even more check it out

Pterodactyl so far:

I don't think flying bots have ever been made, idk if it's even possible or if they'd work right.

Yes they have the bugs mod 2 which is half done has only flying bugs and they fly real good

The dinosaur in the OP isn't very blocks styled, but aside from that these are some cool models.

ill be a scripter for this if you need anything

ill be a scripter for this if you need anything
Are you serious? or your just kidding with me because i have been waiting for a scripter for some time

Are you serious? or your just kidding with me because i have been waiting for a scripter for some time
You have to make models first, what do you even want him to do?

Im not gonna update it today im not feeling it =/ maybe later on or tommarow