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Author Topic: Jail Escape [WIP] Oh look an Update 7/21/14  (Read 1388 times)

I am currently working on a jail escape build and I am nowhere near done with it, but, I am in the midst of a large brain fart in this area. And I have no idea what to add...

I am trying to keep a medieval but modern/futuristic feel to it.




Door to yard/Inventory reset room


More detail on cells



You can walk through these

and it looks like this

You need to click these repeatedly to go through


Music Room/The way up there




Other stuff


I would really like your guy's opinion on this and what I should add/remove/do to improve this...




Something else (Triceps maybe)

Unfinished room


More finished  room


I don't feel much satisfaction with the new stuffs, I would love some suggestions.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2014, 02:27:58 PM by snk13 »

damn, this place is sechshe

I am trying to keep a medieval but modern/futuristic feel to it.
how? you gonna have a guard with iron armor running around with a pistol and a laser cannon?

damn, this place is sechshe

But...how? you gonna have a guard with iron armor running around with a pistol and a laser cannon?

More like this might have been an underground dungeon back in the day and people found it and tried fixing it up a bit and use it... I want to build to have some arches and barrels but the items will be more high tech

I like it

More like this might have been an underground dungeon back in the day and people found it and tried fixing it up a bit and use it... I want to build to have some arches and barrels but the items will be more high tech
Like Portal, in a way?
« Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 09:52:40 PM by giant tootsie rolls »

Love the build,

but dislike the gamemode.

Like Portal, in a way?

Maybe something like Infinity Blade 1, 2, or 3 but the items are all future/modern...

The build will be like something somewhat medieval with high tech additions, like random glowing objects or zero gravity zones.

this is what prison escapes should look like

A jail escape that doesn't look like garbage? It'll be a miracle if it plays any well to boot.

I think, it even better than Tezuni's jail escape map, but I still don't understand, why the music room has so much different style than other sectors.

I think, it even better than Tezuni's jail escape map, but I still don't understand, why the music room has so much different style than other sectors.

It's a room that you get to by using vents.

The whole setting is underground in a mountain.

So the sky you see there will be replaced with either darkness or dirt with vines or moss looking stuff

What brick textures are you using? They look really nice.

What brick textures are you using? They look really nice.

I think it's squidey's