Author Topic: setro's back as zharthon  (Read 23484 times)

Your accusing this guy being Setro
Oh, hey there, Setro.

Oh, hey there, Setro.

You get to be Setro, and you get to be Setro, EVERYBODY GET'S TO BE SETRO..!

Funny how both you and Zarthon use le facepalm may may

Funny how both you and Zarthon use le facepalm may may

Too lazy to use gifs to express myself

He's setro, he's setro, you're setro, I'm setro! Are there anymore setros I don't know about?

He's setro, he's setro, you're setro, I'm setro! Are there anymore setros I don't know about?
-insert the sound of a Stero-

I just think this isn't how a user that is independent of Setro would behave.


Honest question:

If you were accused of being Setro, a problem user, how would you react?


And the fact that Zharthon is basically ignoring the legitimate points,
and responding to other replies which are not as piercing or challenging to his ideology,
doesn't really make his alibi that convincing.

 I would quite react to the whole situation calmly, knowing that it's just a rumor, I would from time to time give Evidence to support my case and try to communicate in the most friendly way possible, I would never attempt to evade other's points and would personally message the User which created the thread and ask him what evidence does he have to support his case over mine.

 Clearing things up would be quite easy, I have not bothered with this account (Or the game itself) for quite some time due to taking a long hiatus from playing Blockland, since I played it daily and for long stretches of time, by then I seriously wanted to take a break from playing this certain Video-Game.

 As a 'Too Long, I did not read it' version, I would react calmly and collected, I would not lash out and would try coming to an understanding with the people in the thread.

How much do you doubt it now?

I'm not surprised at all
Nice job making unnecessarily jerk-ish post.

What is this man, come on you've gotta know when to stop. From what I can see it's not like you actually want to change. Posting this garbage and acting really smart doesn't help. If you really wanted to change, you wouldn't fake leave the forums and come back on an alt then attempt to defend yourself here. People find out when you're using another account, you can't avoid that. You shouldn't even be posting here. It's not too late to just say no and back out of the topic. If you're still continuing to trick people into thinking that you aren't setro, then you're doing everything wrong.

Who says this?
'Too Long, I did not read it'

What is this man, come on you've gotta know when to stop. From what I can see it's not like you actually want to change. Posting this garbage and acting really smart doesn't help. If you really wanted to change, you wouldn't fake leave the forums and come back on an alt then attempt to defend yourself here. People find out when you're using another account, you can't avoid that. You shouldn't even be posting here. It's not too late to just say no and back out of the topic. If you're still continuing to trick people into thinking that you aren't setro, then you're doing everything wrong.

Who says this?

 I cannot change a user's opinion, just ask Badspot when he comes on to run a trace on my IP, I presume that you will be dis-pleased when you find out that I am not Setro.


Who says this?
you did not read the last few pages

forget off crown, we p much have proof that zhart is not setro, he was just trolling us, he later admitted to it tho