setro's back as zharthon

Author Topic: setro's back as zharthon  (Read 23205 times)

I was mistaken as being an alt for the docter for trying to keep his drama ontopic, but I was new nobody even bothered to check my older posts, so I was deemed as his alt. It's pretty much proven that I'm not now, and if anybody still wants proof, I'll give it to them.

Well I was accussed of being Setro too for being "new", from Big-Eyes McTits


It wasn't even a joke.
It was more of a stab at how gullible some of you guys are.

even if setros back he will be hopefully banned in no time, also inb4baddysolvesthemystery


Wow you seem to be an un-trust worthy starfish for him..

First of all, you guys are forgetting that Zharton might not be Setro. But since whoever suggested this idea has a good reputation, of course, you all believe him.

If this is Setro, he's doing this to get away from the repeated bashing. Since you won't leave Setro alone, it's gotten so bad that he needed a new account to get some peace and quiet. Yet you jump on him again for his past screw-ups.

I agree with this, why don't we all forget off on him..

I agree with this, why don't we all forget off on him..
mate you're really late

mate you're really late

forget. I don't get around much mate..