Author Topic: Why was RTB taken down?  (Read 6398 times)

Why was RTB (Return to Blockland) taken down?

It sounds good, and everything! Buuut... i joined in 2014.

SSSOOOOO... i'm a noob. I don't know why it was taken down.

Can you please tell me why?? Thanks...

Something about the creator had better things to do or something

ephi was tired of updating an addon for a game that never gets updated

• Badspot started lazying off on development and not caring about add-on developers.
• Ephialtes got hired at a new company and didn't have time for Blockland
• RTB hosting got DDoS'd

I admire Ephialtes for giving up on the community after he realized it was a toilet. From now onwards, I will also not help this community any longer because you don't appreciate what I did for you. I got bashed by the usual players whenever something went wrong with my hosting service. In the end, forumers were happy it sank. Most of my creations received negativity and no matter how hard I tried to prove I had changed, the community bounded back to their old 2012 views on Hammereditor and Pacnet.

Just like Ephi, I will not be nice to you if you're not nice to me.

User was banned for this post
« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 03:03:54 PM by Rotondo »

hammereditor was that even needed

• Badspot started lazying off on development and not caring about add-on developers.
• Ephialtes got hired at a new company and didn't have time for Blockland
• RTB hosting got DDoS'd

I admire Ephialtes for giving up on the community after he realized it was a toilet. From now onwards, I will also not help this community any longer because you don't appreciate what I did for you. I got bashed by the usual players whenever something went wrong with my hosting service. In the end, forumers were happy it sank. Most of my creations received negativity and no matter how hard I tried to prove I had changed, the community bounded back to their old 2012 views on Hammereditor and Pacnet.

Just like Ephi, I will not be nice to you if you're not nice to me.

once again using a thread to point to yourself and scream "resPECT MY CONTRIBUTIONS"

instead of complaining to players about how nobody respects you why not do something worthwhile with yourself instead?

From now onwards, I will also not help this community any longer because you don't appreciate what I did for you. I got bashed by the usual players whenever something went wrong with my hosting service. In the end, forumers were happy it sank. Most of my creations received negativity and no matter how hard I tried to prove I had changed, the community bounded back to their old 2012 views on Hammereditor and Pacnet.
Maybe because you shoved hamhost down our throats whenever you got the chance
Plus well, let's face it, having a hosting service from home with lots of traffic isn't too reliable.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 10:29:00 PM by gr8dayseth »

• Badspot started lazying off on development and not caring about add-on developers.
• Ephialtes got hired at a new company and didn't have time for Blockland
• RTB hosting got DDoS'd

I admire Ephialtes for giving up on the community after he realized it was a toilet.

Just like Ephi, I will not be nice to you if you're not nice to me.
Exactly this.

Maybe because you shoved hamhost down our throats whenever you got the chance
Plus well, let's face it, having a hosting service from home with lots of traffic isn't too reliable.

I liked it because it was free xD, I really didn't care if the stupid control panel was ugly, because of that there was drama or whatever

Maybe because you shoved hamhost down our throats whenever you got the chance
That was last year. I quit the aggressive advertising after I launched HammerHost. Here you go with the misconceptions again. Like I said only a few minutes ago:
Quote from: Hammereditor5
the community bounded
back to their old 2012 views on Hammereditor and Pacnet.
Why are you a robot stuck to your 2013 opinions?

Plus well, let's face it, having a hosting service from home with lots of traffic isn't too reliable.
Another misconception; the home connection quality was indistinguishable from a data center connection, from the average Blockland player's point of view. There was not a single point in time when the quality suffered from home use. It was doing completely fine until it got DDoS'd, which not even RTB could defend against.

This is the main reason I've given up on defending my hosting service: forumers like you don't think for themselves but jump onto bandwagons in order to collect reputation. The whole forums are a reputation game. "Of course I know HammerHost had downtime because it was attacked, not because of the ISP, but I'll blame Hammereditor for using a connection with  a proven¹ lack of quality. That way I can gain a reputation point!".

¹ proven by the accurate community, of course.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 10:56:27 PM by Hammereditor5 »

Whoa bro, you don't need to topic hijack.

Here you go with the misconceptions again.
When did I... unless you're talking about the blfs in general
Like I said only a few minutes ago:Why are you a robot stuck to your 2013 opinions?
Maybe because the past will come up to you whether you want it to or not.
Sorry but that's life.
Another misconception; the home connection quality was indistinguishable from a data center connection, from the average Blockland player's point of view. There was not a single point in time when the quality suffered from home use. It was doing completely fine until it got DDoS'd, which not even RTB could defend against.
Ok I do admit I misconceived on that one, but only because I've heard from other people.
This is the main reason I've given up on defending my hosting service: forumers like you don't think for themselves but jump onto bandwagons in order to collect reputation. The whole forums are a reputation game. "Of course I know HammerHost had downtime because it was attacked, not because of the ISP, but I'll blame Hammereditor for using a connection with  a proven¹ lack of quality. That way I can gain a reputation point!".

¹ proven by the accurate community, of course.
Here we go again. With the community hating. For forgets sake shut up about it.

From now onwards, I will also not help this community any longer because you don't appreciate what I did for you. I got bashed by the usual players whenever something went wrong with my hosting service. In the end, forumers were happy it sank. Most of my creations received negativity and no matter how hard I tried to prove I had changed, the community bounded back to their old 2012 views on Hammereditor and Pacnet.
Just like Ephi, I will not be nice to you if you're not nice to me.
You're behaving startlingly Furdle-like latel-
Exactly this.

Ephialtes moved into a small cabin in the Swiss alps with Lub.