Author Topic: i just had a random nosebleed  (Read 2056 times)

it always happened for me at 8:00 in the morning
i just stained my covers with my blood :c

lol not that big of a deal

your nose is on it's period

Get a paper towel or something.

R.I.P 77x5ghost2
Never forget

You're going to die
Say goodbye to all your loved ones

You're going to die
Say goodbye to all your loved ones

Remember, we are all born to die eventually.

Did you pick or rub your nose vigorously lately? That's been known to trigger them for me.

Did you pick or rub your nose vigorously lately? That's been known to trigger them for me.
that's what happens when you don't tag your posts with trigger warnings

you probably were watching research then
do you watch research at 8 AM?

Did you pick or rub your nose vigorously lately? That's been known to trigger them for me.
Doesn't have to be vigorously. Excessive picking, rubbing or sneezing can cause it too.
If you keep removing bogeys from the inside of your nose you can pull away parts of the skin of the nose and this can bleed.

I usually get at least nosebleed at the season change (summer/autumn -> winter) cuz of how dry it gets

I have to use a humidifier for at least a week to get it to stop

stop picking your nose

stop picking your nose
Pick other people's noses, and put it in yours to form a dam.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 11:11:46 AM by sir dooble »