Author Topic: DayZ: Blockland - Being revised  (Read 37178 times)

I have to disagree with this, the point of hunger is to add to the "survival" aspect of the game.
The survival aspects should be running away from zombies, getting killed by other players etc
dying of hunger is the lamest thing ever, same goes to that heat mod thing where if you got too cold you'd die frozen, that was pure bs

Agree'd with Khain.

The survival aspects should be running away from zombies, getting killed by other players etc
dying of hunger is the lamest thing ever, same goes to that heat mod thing where if you got too cold you'd die frozen, that was pure bs

That's the point of a survival game. What may seem "bull" or "pure bullstuff" is really an intended game mechanic.
Take for example, DayZ. Which I'm assuming this is based off of...

Now imagine requiring to eat, and the temperature* (if that's a thing in DayZ) was removed. *POOF*, gone.

This would cause more problems than good. Especially with balancing issues, regarding PvP.
*This is more a minority, but it's usually for the immersion aspect, but that's just my take on it.

Having to search for food, or finding fire for the night hoping your little shack is safe enough is an important part of games like this. And to talk about another one of your points, characters are supposed to die. Especially in a survival game like this, having the ability to build your character to a nigh invincible status, and the other players merely hope they can catch them unaware through guerilla tactics, is poor in game design.

This is especially evident when it comes to other PvP aspects, like I said earlier, to pitch a scenario:
-You and players 2-->10 (team 1) are in a group/clan/whatever.
-Through very coordinated scouting, you have obtained all of the ammo you could ever need, and have established a very functional base.
-Players 11-->21 (team 2) are not pleased with this, as they are raiders, and rightfully so, they should have all of the goodies.
-Team two decides to invade team one, bringing with them the most powerful items they could muster, but it simply wasn't enough.
-Team one decided to camp the doorway/camp the stairs/any other bottleneck point...resulting in the raiders losing all of their valuable stuff they hoarded, and team one coming out on top most likely unscathed, and probably even more powerful than they were before.

The point? This could have all been avoided if team one had any reason to leave the building, but they didnt. Team two just had to rush in and hope for the best.
Now let's edit the scenario, this time where if you dont eat food of some sort, you die.

-You and players 2-->10 (team 1) are in a group/clan/whatever.
-Through very coordinated scouting, you have obtained very little ammo, but a sufficient ammount of food, and have established a very functional base.
-Players 11-->21 (team 2) are not pleased with this, as they are raiders, and rightfully so, they should have all of the goodies.
-Team two decides to invade team one, bringing with them the most powerful items they could muster, deciding to keep people guarding the doorways so noone could escape.
-Team one wittled their food stores down until the very last /Jimmy Dean's Bacon Beans/ can was consumed, team one had to act today, but rushing out meant almost certain death. But it had to be done.
-Team one charged through the front doors guns blazing, and people fell on both sides left and right.
- In the end, what remained of team two, who had employed careful siege tactics, had won...
-team two...had won...despite the fact literally all raiders are pricks, this was well played.

Things like hunger or temperature, or any other misc. aspect like that is an integral part of this "survival" aspect I was talking about. I can understand dumbing it down like making hunger not kill you, but instead slow/weaken you, but please reconsider removing it.

tl;dr: removing hunger will cause backlash in one way or another, whether it be through PvP, or basic gameplay. Please reconsider.

EDIT: Good luck on this, Navaro, an actually well made zombie server in Blockland is long overdue.

Hey! It's GreenBay and I am interested in building for this project, as I expect it to be a success.

In-Game Name: GreenBay
BL_ID: 32610
Reason to join: I think this project will be a huge success and I would like to be a part of it.
Position: Builder of interiors in buildings

Some Builds I have made: SCP: Containment Breach
Screenshots of that build:

Thank you for your time!


Hunting, Surviving, Interactions with other players.
I may do something like DayZ epoch, crafting lumber into planks and making bases out of it.. Chances of cinder blocks spawning at factories and making bases out of those.

There will also be storage devices such as vehicles with storage systems, Safes, crates, etc. all used with Ghost's Item Storage mod.

Speaking of DayZ Epoch, you should make missions. Players in DayZ really enjoy them. And maybe something like humanity?

I wrote on the topic to PM me..

But I know you a bit, so I'll just go ahead and add you.

What a nice, well-made, well thought out, well-backed project.
Shame it's going to be vaporware like all the other projects on Blockland. We'll hear plenty about it, perhaps even see a closed beta server, and then, at some point or another, the creators will state: "We simply don't have the time or resources to continue work" or something along those lines.
Like every. Other. Damn. Project.

I'm taking your post with a grain of salt, even if it looks really nice.

Vehicle Ideas?
make a car that is fast, but only seats two and has almost zero storage and takes almost no bullets before it breaks but is great on gas
like this one

1986 Mr2

an american truck that is worse on gas but is bigger/more seats or storage
a japanese truck that is smaller/less storage but better mpg

basically make every car have tradeoffs
if you make two coupes make the slower one have better of other traits so one car isnt the one that everyone wants

dont add any cars that you wouldnt find on the street

make gas very rare

if you add any military vehicles make them VERY gas guzzling

dont make cars that spawn ready to drive

spawn cars in realistic locales such as driveways or on curbs

make cars spawn in colors that are unhidable, or that stick out, and put in cans of dark green or black paint so you can hide your car easier

car keys to lock or start your car
(perhaps if a car spawns at a house spawn it "locked" and make the player search said house for the key to the car)

sometimes dont even spawn the key :P

put in a hotwiring kit for ^

flat tires

require tools for changing tires and engine parts

put in cars made of blocks for atmosphere maybe even .dts files of the models for the working ones so it isnt like real dayz where there are almost no "dead" cars

make loot spawn in said block cars

put in buses police cars golf carts, riding lawn mowers and other impractical odds and ends for fun

make certain cars more reliable than others, finding a ferrari is cool until you go over a speed bump too fast
make it so that one crash can destroy you car so badly that the parts required to fix said car might take longer to find then finding another car

make non military cars extremely weak to gunfire, one shot to the engine block with a high caliber should end it, if possible make shots to the bodywork do no mechanical damage

make parts for said ferrari harder to find

make it so that you can steal parts from dead cars (only ones that are the same type as yours)
^more reasons for single block model cars

siphen gas from other players cars?

siphen from dead block cars

special tool required for said action

only able to pump from gas stations with siphening tool or not at all

car mods for more armor or even technical truck capability

other specific vehicle model requests

japaese van

pontiac 6000

volvo 740

1989 silverado

nissan pathfinder

last and most importantly to meDont put in new cars or cars that look immaculate make them rusty, poorly maintained dirty and old looking it really makes the atmosphere, make them like the ones in the picures

my novel is over now
« Last Edit: August 21, 2014, 09:54:11 PM by warble »

last and most importantly to me Dont put in new cars or cars that look immaculate make them rusty, poorly maintained dirty and old looking it really makes the atmosphere, make them like the ones in the picures
Why would you choose to run an old, unreliable, and poorly maintained car for a zombie apocalypse over a brand new 2014 car with 250,000 less miles on it?

the cars you're suggesting are so old they don't even have cruise control

Why would you choose to run an old, unreliable, and poorly maintained car for a zombie apocalypse over a brand new 2014 car with 250,000 less miles on it?

the cars you're suggesting are so old they don't even have cruise control
I don't think you read....

it really makes the atmosphere


and when you really start to brown townyze it at higher levels, there are less things that can go wrong with a 1988 silverado than a 2014 silverado, it might be older with more miles but the 88' doesnt have any computers or very basic ones, and the engine can be fixed easier. Also there are many more metal components on older cars, and everything is just more simple. If your prius dies, do you take it into your garage and fix it? No it takes a Toyota dealership and an electronics specialist to fix a prius or really any car with a heavy reliance on computers for basic operation, and when said specialist is growling and banging his fists against your window youre forgeted.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2014, 01:00:30 PM by warble »