Author Topic: Zone Music Brick  (Read 1268 times)

Basicly a zone brick that also works like a music brick, for example you get in the zone and then you can hear the music, and when you go out the music turns off for you, while the others inside still can hear it

There also should be some sort of way to keep the same music going if a group of zone bricks uses the same name

Enter zone brick events with 2D music events.
Second part is less doable because of the nature of zonebricks; you'd be better off defining the zones yourself manually to be bigger than what the bricks can do.

Second part is less doable because of the nature of zonebricks; you'd be better off defining the zones yourself manually to be bigger than what the bricks can do.
Isn't this possible with VCE?
On every Zonebrick:
[ 0] OnPlayerEnterZone > Player > Play 2D music
[100] OnPlayerEnterZone > Player > ModVariable Music to 1
[ 0] OnPlayerEnterZone > Player > IfVariable Music == 1
[ 0] OnVariableTrue > [ZoneBricks] > CancelEvents
[500] OnPlayerLeaveZone > Player > Stop Music

This is a Great Idea! Dispite VCE, there should be one of these! :D

There used to be a glitch with zone bricks that can be like a music brick, you walk into it, you can hear it until you walk out of the brick.

i need this so bad. it would be simpler to use than VCE

Isn't this possible with VCE?
On every Zonebrick:
[ 0] OnPlayerEnterZone > Player > Play 2D music
[100] OnPlayerEnterZone > Player > ModVariable Music to 1
[ 0] OnPlayerEnterZone > Player > IfVariable Music == 1
[ 0] OnVariableTrue > [ZoneBricks] > CancelEvents
[500] OnPlayerLeaveZone > Player > Stop Music
Hadn't considered that, clever. I'll try it in a moment.

On every Zonebrick:
[ 0] OnPlayerEnterZone > Player > Play 2D music
[100] OnPlayerEnterZone > Player > ModVariable Music to 1
[ 0] OnPlayerEnterZone > Player > IfVariable Music == 1
[ 0] OnVariableTrue > [ZoneBricks] > CancelEvents
[500] OnPlayerLeaveZone > Player > Stop Music
Forgot one line:
[500] OnPlayerLeaveZone > Player > ModVariable Music set 0