Author Topic: (my favorites of) The Open Hexagon OST  (Read 1317 times)

My favorites of the Open Hexagon OST. Have a listen first:
1. Dr Finkelfracken's Cure
2. The Maze of Mayonnaise
3. Milky Ways
4.Call me Katla, Baby
5. Jack Russell


1: Dr. Finkelfracken's Cure: WORKING ON
2: The Maze of Mayonnaise: WORKING ON
3.1: Milky Ways I [from 0:00 to 0:13]:
3.2: Milky Ways II [from 0:15 to around 0:40 ish]:
4: Call me Katla:  WORKING ON
5: Jack Russell: WORKING ON

note: i will be ~probably~ finishing the rest of these.