Author Topic: My wireless headphones just picked up a TV audio signal.  (Read 957 times)

So, when my headphones (wireless) transmitter shuts off to save power, the headphones themselves pick up radio signals. This just happened 20 seconds ago and it creeped me out a little, because i thought it was a police radio signal, but I think its a tv program or film or something. Its kinda dark.

half life 3 confirmed

Put them on your head and walk around your PD.

lol. do you know what frequency they pick up?

if you can find that out then just go to the PD and ask what frequency they use (totally wont be awkward as forget)

then you will know if it was police signals you heard

lol. do you know what frequency they pick up?

if you can find that out then just go to the PD and ask what frequency they use (totally wont be awkward as forget)

then you will know if it was police signals you heard
It wasn't police signals, although the first thing I heard was something about a break-in.
I'm fairly sure it was like CSI or something.

i want these headphones

think of the possibilities

yeah tap into love hotlines and don't pay.

i love it when that happens. we drove by the YMCA once and for some reason it sounded like an exercise video started playing over the radio...

Hack into government radio transmissions