Author Topic: Getting a player's thread?  (Read 1575 times)

Is there anyway to get a player/aiplayer's thread from a slot?

Is there anyway to get a player/aiplayer's thread from a slot?
I don't think so, but you could try a dump on your own player or an AIPlayer. Try packaging Player::playThread so that it'd set a psuedoarray value like %player.currThread[2] on the player.

EDIT: hold on there are many thread-handling functions.
Code: [Select]
Member Fields:
  canSetIFLs = "0"
  dataBlock = "PlayerStandardArmor"
  rotation = "0 0 1 167.897"
  scale = "1 1 1"
Tagged Fields:
  activatestuff() -
  addhealth() -
  addScheduledEvent() -
  addVelocity() -
  applyDamage() - (float amt)
  applyImpulse() - (Point3F Pos, VectorF vel)
  applyRepair() - (float amt)
  burn() -
  BurnPlayer() -
  call() -
  cancelEvents() -
  canCloak() -
  changedatablock() -
  checkDismountPoint() - (Point3F oldPos, Point3F pos)
  clearBurn() -
  clearControlObject() -
  clearEvents() -
  clearInventory() -
  clearNTObjectName() -
  clearScopeToClient() - clearScopeToClient(%client)Undo the effects of a scopeToClient() call.
  ClearTempColor() -
  ClearTools() -
  Damage() -
  decInventory() -
  delete() - obj.delete()
  disableNodeColor() - (string name)
  dismount() -
  dropBall() -
  dump() - obj.dump()
  dumpEvents() -
  ejectRandomPlayer() -
  emote() -
  getCameraFov() -
  getClassName() - obj.getClassName()
  getControllingClient() - Returns a GameConnection.
  getControllingObject() -
  getControlObject() - Get the current control object.
  getDamageFlash() -
  getDamageLevel() -
  getDamagePercent() -
  getDamageState() -
  getDataBlock() - ()Return the datablock this GameBase is using.
  getEnergyLevel() -
  getEnergyPercent() -
  getEyePoint() -
  getEyeTransform() -
  getEyeVector() -
  getForwardVector() - Returns a vector indicating the direction this object is facing.
  getGhostID() -
  getGroup() - obj.getGroup()
  getGroupID() -
  getHackPosition() - ()compensates for culling hack
  getId() - obj.getId()
  getImageAmmo() - (int slot)
  getImageLoaded() - (int slot)
  getImageSkinTag() - (int slot)
  getImageState() - (int slot)
  getImageTrigger() - (int slot)
  getInventory() -
  getMountedImage() - (int slot)
  getMountedObject() - (int slot)
  getMountedObjectCount() -
  getMountedObjectNode() - (int node)
  getMountNode() - ()
  getMountNodeObject() - (int node)
  getMountSlot() - (ShapeBaseImageData db)
  getMuzzlePoint() - (int slot)
  getMuzzleVector() - (int slot)
  getName() - obj.getName()
  getObjectBox() - Returns the bounding box relative to the object's origin.
  getObjectMount() - Returns the ShapeBase we're mounted on.
  getPendingImage() - (int slot)
  getPosition() - Get position of object.
  getRechargeRate() -
  getRepairRate() -
  getScale() - Get scaling as a Point3F.
  getShapeName() -
  getSkinName() -
  getSlotTransform() - (int slot)
  getState() - Return the current state name.
  getTaggedField() - obj.getTaggedFieldCount(int idx)
  getTransform() - Get transform of object.
  getType() - obj.getType()
  getUpVector() - Returns a vector indicating the relative upward direction of this object.
  getVelocity() -
  getWaterCoverage() -
  getWhiteOut() -
  getWorldBox() - Returns six fields, two Point3Fs, containing the min and max points of the worldbox.
  getWorldBoxCenter() - Returns the center of the world bounding box.
  GiveDefaultEquipment() -
  hGetPosZ() -
  hideNode() - (string nodeName)
  incInventory() -
  inspectPostApply() - ()Simulates clicking 'apply' after making changes in the editor.
  InstantRespawn() -
  isCloaked() -
  isCrouched() -
  isDestroyed() -
  isDisabled() - True if the state is not Enabled.
  isEnabled() -
  isFirstPerson() -
  isGroundedSport() -
  isHidden() -
  isImageFiring() - (int slot)
  isImageMounted() - (ShapeBaseImageData db)
  isMounted() - Are we mounted?
  isNodeVisible() - (string nodeName)
  ispilot() -
  kill() -
  lavaDamage() -
  maxInventory() -
  mountImage() - (ShapeBaseImageData image, int slot, bool loaded=true, string skinTag=NULL)
  mountObject() - ( ShapeBase object, int slot )Mount ourselves on an object in the specified slot.
  mountVehicles() -
  onCameraEnterOrbit() -
  onCameraLeaveOrbit() -
  onDriverLeave() -
  onInventory() -
  pauseThread() - (int slot)
  pickup() -
  playAudio() - (int slot, AudioProfile ap)
  playCelAnimation() -
  playDeathAnimation() -
  playDeathCry() -
  playpain() -
  playThread() - (int slot, string sequenceName)
  processInputEvent() -
  RemoveBody() -
  rigTurret() -
  save() -, <selectedOnly>)
  schedule() - object.schedule(time, command, <arg1...argN>);
  scheduleNoQuota() - object.schedule(time, command, <arg1...argN>);
  scopeToClient() - (NetConnection %client)Cause the NetObject to be forced as scoped on the specified NetConnection.
  serializeEvent() -
  serializeEventToString() -
  setActionThread() - (string sequenceName, bool hold, bool fsp)
  setArmThread() - (string sequenceName)
  setCameraFov() - (float fov)
  setCloaked() - (bool isCloaked)
  setControlObject() - (ShapeBase obj)
  setDamageFlash() - (float lvl)
  setDamageLevel() - (float level)
  setDamageState() - (string state)
  setDamageVector() - (Vector3F origin)
  setDatablock() - (DataBlock db)Assign this GameBase to use the specified datablock.
  setDecalName() - (string imageName)
  setEnergyLevel() - (float level)
  SetEventEnabled() -
  setFaceName() - (string imageName)
  setHeadUp() - obj.setHeadUp(bool)
  sethealth() -
  setHidden() - (bool show)
  setIflFrame() - (ifl name, int)
  setImageAmmo() - (int slot, bool hasAmmo)
  setImageLoaded() - (int slot, bool loaded)
  setImageTrigger() - (int slot, bool isTriggered)
  setInventory() -
  setLookLimits() - (F32 up, F32 down)
  setName() - obj.setName(newName)
  setNodeColor() -
  setNTObjectName() -
  SetPlayerScale() -
  setRepairRate() - (float amt)
  setScale() - (Point3F scale)
  setScopeAlways() - Always scope this object on all connections.
  setShapeName() - (string tag)
  setShapeNameColor() - (string RGB)
  setShapeNameDistance() - (F32)
  setSkinName() - (string tag)
  setTempColor() -
  setThreadDir() - (int slot, bool isForward)
  setTransform() - (Transform T)
  setVelocity() - (Vector3F vel)
  setWhiteOut() - (float flashLevel)
  spawnBall() -
  spawnExplosion() -
  spawnProjectile() -
  startFade() - ( int fadeTimeMS, int fadeDelayMS, bool fadeOut )
  startSkiing() -
  stopAudio() - (int slot)
  stopSkiing() -
  stopThread() - (int slot)
  teleportEffect() -
  throw() -
  throwObject() -
  ToggleEventEnabled() -
  unHideNode() - (string nodeName)
  unmount() - Unmount from the currently mounted object if any.
  unmountImage() - (int slot)
  unMountObject() - (ShapeBase obj)Unmount an object from ourselves.
  updateArm() -
  Use() -
« Last Edit: July 28, 2014, 12:49:13 AM by Axo-Tak »