Count's Prision Escape - Terrible admins

Author Topic: Count's Prision Escape - Terrible admins  (Read 2128 times)

This is completely unacceptable behavior from AndyJoeS. He's very powerhungry, and even though he said he may perm ban you I have modified the banning function to only let myself ban players forever. I believe the highest ban time he may use is one week. The ban reason was very childish indeed, and I will inform the rest of the staff team to put proper ban reasons in the future. I had already talked with him yesterday about being immature, and that he needed to take his job seriously. Obviously he failed to get the message. If he has not already been demoted by another higher staff member then I will do it when I get access to my laptop. I am sorry that something like this happened, and I will try my best to avoid it from happening again.

I don't however want one poorly chosen staff member to make players think poorly of my server however, so if something similar does pop up in the future please message me about it and I will take care of it, as this is more of a drama toward him rather than the server.

If I'm not mistaken, I believe this is the reason Andy was demodded. I wasn't there when this happened but I did join when he got it taken away from him.

Looks like he's already demoted then, I will doublecheck eitherway.

This is completely unacceptable behavior from AndyJoeS. He's very powerhungry, and even though he said he may perm ban you I have modified the banning function to only let myself ban players forever. I believe the highest ban time he may use is one week. The ban reason was very childish indeed, and I will inform the rest of the staff team to put proper ban reasons in the future. I had already talked with him yesterday about being immature, and that he needed to take his job seriously. Obviously he failed to get the message. If he has not already been demoted by another higher staff member then I will do it when I get access to my laptop. I am sorry that something like this happened, and I will try my best to avoid it from happening again.

I don't however want one poorly chosen staff member to make players think poorly of my server however, so if something similar does pop up in the future please message me about it and I will take care of it, as this is more of a drama toward him rather than the server.

Looks like he's already demoted then, I will doublecheck eitherway.
About time you showed up

About time you showed up
Wow yeah it's almost like it's been an entire 12 hours, what a terrible host for going out and sleeping.

About time you showed up

forget sleep, you should be administrating a game about escaping from a lego prison

what a terrible host for going out and sleeping.

i know right?? :O

You're supposed to, except the admins just ignore you in this server.
Yeah, sure is funny that you were spamming ban pls, kek and lel in most of those screenshots. They even banned you for a minute for it. I'm not sure if you didn't take the hint that they were sick of your whiny stuff or not, but being figuratively shown out the door is a very obvious indication they dont want you around anymore. And see as how you came back, the best they could so is ignore you and ban you again.