Author Topic: loving kids today I swear to god  (Read 4603 times)

Tell them if they're in your yard you get to legally shoot them.

you shouldn't forget kids

you shouldn't forget kids
ohhh you

but seriously forget them, call the cops because of the death threat, mainly for a scare tactic, then watch as he pisses his pants

It pays to be in an advanced program. I'm one of the nicest people in my classes and between all my friends. I'm glad, I'm just 12 and the things the general kids do is every single kid-inappropriate thing ever.

A lot of the general kids do is snort drugs, wield guns and knifes and get into fights, slack off on work, and have love on valentines day. I'm not joking about any of these. Of course there are the well-minded general kids but I don't seem to find one as often as a fortnight.

evrythin ws btr in th 90s :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

Don't change your walking route. Just take your metal bat for a walk too. He's been craving friendship.

evrythin ws btr in th 90s :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

I was waiting for something along these lines. Unfortunately I was too young to even understand what was going on.

You were barely even alive in the 90's, if even.

I bet if you just lied about calling the police they'd poop their pants.

you know the kids are right about you

and have love on valentines day.
To be fair, if there was any day to have illegal underage love, it's valentines day.
Atleast it's illegaly romantic.

I think he meant the part about you being called a friend by the wiggers.

Though I don't hate you or anything.

evrythin ws btr in th 90s :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
Age: 14

i wouldve pulled out a pistol shot them all and called it self defence because of the death threat

Then you would've gone to jail for life and/or received the death penalty (depending on state, that is).

Then you would've gone to jail for life and/or received the death penalty (depending on state, that is).
just lol