Author Topic: Dannu's Space Themed City RPG [CANCELLED]  (Read 795 times)

Dannu's City RPG

The Idea

It is going to be a Space Themed City RPG. Every service build (The bank, PD etc.) will be space themed, but the user-builds are encouraged to follow the general theme. For the mod i will use Aoki's modification of Iban's, but for good measure, the jobs are re-named accordingly to the space theme. The over-ruling neon color will be Glow green.

Staff recruitment

I will pick staff according to my experiences in blockland. I intend to only have 1 or 2 Super Admins. They will be people i completely trust to be adequate, respectable and respecting. Basically, i wouldn't pick a SA, who i wouldn't trust with full access to the VPS. I will also pick admins, but will leave moderator picking to Admins and Super Admins. The idea is, that each Admin and Super-Admin will be able to pick 1 moderator. The moderator will then be their responsibility. If one of my SA-s notices, that a moderator is unsuitable for the job, they have the right to de-moderate them, until i get around to inspecting the situation.


The server is hosted on a Virtual Server rented from NFOServers.

The server stats are as follow:
Two full, dedicated HT CPU cores (Nehalem or better)
2048 MB of RAM
200 GB of RAID-protected storage
4000 GB of InterNAP bandwidth transfer

As i've said before, i will give my SA-s that i pick access to this VPS, so they can re-boot the server, or fix any issue that it may encounter.

Helping with the build

Good builders are well expected. We currently have a few good builders and one of them on regularly. Everyone who made a service build good enough to be transferred over to the launch or any other significant contribution to the server will be given a special Supporter tag and some special perks, that i haven't quite decided on.
All help is welcome, but we need most:

Good builders
GUI magicians

Also, soon, if the launch is a success, i will be recruiting forum moderators. Currently a empty and desolate place, but soon i intend to make guides, rules and maybe ask someone to make tips on how to build well space-themed

Pretty things to look at
I'll get around to it when i fix the environment settings  :cookieMonster:

Hall of fame

After the launch, everyone who contributed will be put here and given a  :cookie:

This project has been stopped for a un-certain amount of time, due to the lack of good and dedicated builders
« Last Edit: July 30, 2014, 09:47:22 AM by Dannu »

Oh, also people who can make pretty banners will receive a warm welcome

I like the idea, but there's a huge problem with space or medieval themed city rpgs.
The main problem is that modern buildings are much easier to get right than space or medieval for the majority of players.
What kind of build moderation will there be? I can just imagine that most of the buildings will be boxy and spam a lot of paint fx.

I think you should definitely consider a 'pro builders' area (Like in diggy's metropolis)
Here's some random images I've found online of inspiration which you should concider thinking about (Open in new tab for full res)
Realistically, this is what the 'pro builders' area may look like. I'd have strict build rules so players will have to work hard to create something aesthetically pleasing. I know this may sound harsh but in the long run, the server will look nicer, and the players will be pleased with their creation. Plus a server filled with nice builds will give inspiration to the new clients.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2014, 06:31:41 PM by Lord Furdle »

Hm, i'll consider it. Thanks a lot for the idea and inspiration

blah blah blah -pics-

you always seem to find really cool pics for inspiration. is there some secret to it or do I just need to be smarter about what I search on google images?

EDIT: I immediately regret posting this in the topic. I could've easily PM'd him :/

I've always tried to make this but never succeeded so I'm glad someone else is doing it.

you always seem to find really cool pics for inspiration. is there some secret to it or do I just need to be smarter about what I search on google images?

EDIT: I immediately regret posting this in the topic. I could've easily PM'd him :/

This will be very helpful to you.