Author Topic: What is your favorite type of meat?  (Read 2379 times)

Mine is duck

(INB4 someone says richard)

tenderloin cow steak


man meat ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Weird, I just had leg of lamb and a baked potato for dinner. I love lamb, especially lamb chops but nothing can beat duck.

man meat ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I predicted right, I felt this from a mile away

Mine is duck

(INB4 someone says richard)
At first glance I thought you actually did.

If we're choosing this by animal, then I would probably have to choose Pork.

I love Bacon and Gammon, Chops, Crackling, Belly Pork, Pulled Pork (which I had for the first time yesterday) and Sausages.
I like other meats too, but there's so many lovely flavours that come from Pork. I'm very glad I'm not Muslim or Jewish.


Motherloving chicken

I've not had enough to be certain I can say it's one of my favourites, since I only had a single thin burger, but Alpaca is really really nice.

I love the tender taste of Caribou, it gives a nice flavor to Pasta

At first glance I thought you actually did.

If we're choosing this by animal, then I would probably have to choose Pork.

I love Bacon and Gammon, Chops, Crackling, Belly Pork, Pulled Pork (which I had for the first time yesterday) and Sausages.
I like other meats too, but there's so many lovely flavours that come from Pork. I'm very glad I'm not Muslim or Jewish.

I'm Jewish, but I eat pork and shellfish all the time. A lot of Jews I've met never followed the dietary restrictions.

I've not had enough to be certain I can say it's one of my favourites, since I only had a single thin burger, but Alpaca is really really nice.

Where did you have alpaca?

I love the tender taste of Caribou, it gives a nice flavor to Pasta

I do too

Buffalo is good sometimes but I really like salmon and steak.