Author Topic: [dB] dotBlock Studios - "Set the world ablaze!"  (Read 18774 times)

Alright, here's my application. A few of my brick vehicles. 100% every single brick placed by me. Some are older than others. Open in a new tab if you want the full view. Due to some private bricks you'd have to view them at my server if you want.



i would enjoy seeing those furdle

Pass has been added as a modeler. I thought his brick models were very unique and still maintained a cool blocko style. I hope him, as a clan leader, knows a thing or two about projects and can get us off the ground

Sure, when I've finished eating this pizza I'll open a server up :)

I was real impressed by Furdle's aesthetic style and ability to recreate real life objects in Blockland, so he has been added as head of structure.

I know furdle's pretty polarizing, but i'm willing to give him second chance. As long as he helps us build, he's good in my book. sorry cohort.

You have nothing to apologize for. No hard feelings. Youre looking for talent, you got great additions to your clan. Good luck.

Just set up the clan server, you can now find us under 'dotBlock's Clan Server'
I'll be working the FTP to our private VPS server
big ups to Tokerovin for the service.

Pass just made an awesome Thinker, blocko style. it's real cool

Some say it was modelled of a real picture of pass taking a poop

what do you guys mean by 'sculpting' in the OP

what do you guys mean by 'sculpting' in the OP
well, i wrote an entire description about it, but feel free to join the dB server to see some examples

siba has been added as a modeler, after showing me his aptitude with bricks. i never would expect custom bricks would be the positions that would be filling up, lol.

Brickman's penrose triangle (totally legit)

it only took 5 years to remake. i was doing it every day!
« Last Edit: July 31, 2014, 03:16:31 AM by Camel »

damn if only i was loving talented

It was a joy to help the clan today :D