Author Topic: Boodals' Untitled D&D-like RPG  (Read 18027 times)

Could it be possible to make the dungeon walls and other generated props into singular models. It would amp up the generating speed.

Could it be possible to make the dungeon walls and other generated props into singular models. It would amp up the generating speed.

It is possible, and if this really kicks off i'll probably do it. However, bricks are placed basically instantly. It isn't going to effect generation speed much, mainly ghosting speed.

Sorry if I am getting off topic, but how did you make this GUI without having the base WindowCtrl being visible?

this could be neat

it is neat, but boodals takes his sweet sweet time on this. he like takes a break every 2 months or so for a month and that is probably the reason why it's taken so long

he like takes a break every 2 months or so for a month and that is probably the reason why it's taken so long

That and the fact that I'm basically creating an entire game, which takes several years. I have to undo a lot of default features, and work around things which are intentional, and not meant to be worked around.

I've been learning and designing about the AI system some more. I've found a method online that is basically the same as what I was going to do, but it also allows for AIs to learn themselves, which means I wont have to pre-program all of their knowledge. I'm still working out some of the more complex parts of it. Currently I don't think they will be able to react to things fast enough, or at all.