
Do you support the death penalty?

Only if the person is an ongoing danger to society.

Author Topic: Death Penalty - Ye or Ne? - also why terrorists are better than murderers  (Read 9981 times)

>being boiled alive is new death penalty
>murders decrease by 50%
oh my god yes

This would be a rather merciful way to kill someone. It's basically depriving someone of oxygen to the brain, ultimately killing them. Though they don't actually know they're dying, but it could be rather expensive.

whats the point of someone going to jail for life
also this
if you know you're never going to get out of jail until you die, well what's the loving point

murderers should get death penalty if it's perfectly fine to kill enemy soldiers in the military

Reasons why no-no on the death penalty

The government shouldn't have the right to kill you.

Death penalty does not deter crime.

Death penalty on average costs more than a life sentence due to legal costs.

It's inhumane, and falls underneath things that are banned by the 8th amendment due to being a cruel and unusual punishment for the following reasons:

4% of people executed are innocent

It violates your 14th amendment rights: the law must apply equally to all groups. All criminals convicted of non-capital crimes are allowed to appeal the sentence at any time, even after the sentence is performed. For death row inmates, they cannot appeal the sentence after it's handed down.

It's inhumane? Lots of things are inhumane -- including crimes committed by people who are eligible for the death penalty.

death is too sweet for murderers

Death Penalty isn't a punishment, it's a justice for the victims. That's why they put it in a fancy gallery with an audience. Therefore, it should be the victim's choice.

Death Penalty isn't a punishment, it's a justice for the victims. That's why they put it in a fancy gallery with an audience. Therefore, it should be the victim's choice.
Actually this is a much better choice. If I knew I was going to jail for life, with no hope of getting out I'd choose death because my life is technically over by then.

Death Penalty isn't a punishment, it's a justice for the victims. That's why they put it in a fancy gallery with an audience. Therefore, it should be the victim's choice.
i agree with this actually

prison penalty because i get more victims that way

We do not have conclusive evidence of what happens after death. My opinion is that there's nothing, but we can't be sure. It's odd sending people somewhere we have no idea of what it is, might as well be world's nicest flower garden with 7 quintillion virgins. Life sentence is worse anyways.

This would be a rather merciful way to kill someone. It's basically depriving someone of oxygen to the brain, ultimately killing them. Though they don't actually know they're dying, but it could be rather expensive.
also this
if you know you're never going to get out of jail until you die, well what's the loving point
The loving point is that they won't hurt society again, and if needed, they can be treated for whatever problem they might have. They can become a better person.

The loving point is that they won't hurt society again, and if needed, they can be treated for whatever problem they might have. They can become a better person.
Well, it truly doesn't matter if you become a better person, because you're never going to be let out of prison, and rehabilitation doesn't always work. Stop being so hopeful that criminals can always become 'better', some people never change.

Stop being so hopeful that criminals can always become 'better'
>longest sentence is 27 years
"Most murderers in Norway spend just 14 years behind bars."
- Norway Has Some Of The Lowest Murder Rates In The World: In 2009, Norway had .6 intentional homicides per 100,000 people. In the same year, the United States had 5 murders per 100,000 people, meaning that the U.S. proportionally has 8 times as many homicides.
- Norway’s Incarceration Rate Is A Fraction Of That Of The United States: 71 out of every 100,000 Norwegian citizens is incarcerated. In the United States, 743 out of every 100,000 citizens was incarcerated in 2009. The U.S. has the world’s highest incarceration rate.
- Norway’s Prisoner Recidivism Rate Is Much Lower Than The United States’: The recidivism rate for prisoners in Norway is around 20 percent. Meanwhile, it’s estimated that 67 percent of America’s prisoners are re-arrested and 52 percent are re-incarcerated.

I wouldn't put one penny on the future of anyone who goes to jail for a certain amount of time

>longest sentence is 27 years
"Most murderers in Norway spend just 14 years behind bars."
- Norway Has Some Of The Lowest Murder Rates In The World: In 2009, Norway had .6 intentional homicides per 100,000 people. In the same year, the United States had 5 murders per 100,000 people, meaning that the U.S. proportionally has 8 times as many homicides.
- Norway’s Incarceration Rate Is A Fraction Of That Of The United States: 71 out of every 100,000 Norwegian citizens is incarcerated. In the United States, 743 out of every 100,000 citizens was incarcerated in 2009. The U.S. has the world’s highest incarceration rate.
- Norway’s Prisoner Recidivism Rate Is Much Lower Than The United States’: The recidivism rate for prisoners in Norway is around 20 percent. Meanwhile, it’s estimated that 67 percent of America’s prisoners are re-arrested and 52 percent are re-incarcerated.
Norway and the U.S are too very different countries with very different people, so I don't see the rule point of this. Yeah probably in different countries there's a chance, but here in America were school shootings seem to be happening like once every 1 or two years....