Left 4 Dead Hunter's SCP RP

Author Topic: Left 4 Dead Hunter's SCP RP  (Read 1171 times)

Hello, everyone. I'd like to talk about that server.
So first of all, once it started to run on Blockland, I played it. It was fun. But then I came in and played with a friend which name's Waving, then we started playing the game and he led me to the laboratory the were playing in (I was playing as Security while other players were playing as Scientists). Once being there, I'm rp'ing and pretending to try to unlock a door in the room they were all in. Then my friend started to kill me with the Hammer. Then everytime i would come back, he'd kill me without everyone noticing, even since they were all close together. Then I took my revenge as hiding in a little room in front of the Laboratory room, wating for my friend to come, then I'd kill him, and then the owner somewhat bans me for "No freekilling, Shut your drap".
So I'd like to tell Left 4 Dead Hunter, YOU ARE AN IDIOT !

Solid proof. Will ban from my server.

You could have talked to L4D Hunter.

Or you could have just yelled at your friend.

But ranting on the drama board? Come ooooon.

tl;dr: op breaks the rules and gets banned

You know. He was freekilling a lot of other players. They complained to me about it.