Author Topic: [Qi] - Seriously  (Read 27008 times)

This didn't need a drama, stop being butthurt.
And of cource, a [Qi] member saying that a drama on [Qi] is useless.

you forgot alot more
Oh yeah, and the fact that most of the servers they host are boring and uninspired.

The most hilarious part of all of this stupidity is that apparently Aoki still thinks he is in the right and people support him. I wish I could force that kind of powerful ass delusion upon myself.

aoki honestly doesnt seem fit to lead a clan

Banning people without consent from the owners of the servers is a bad thing to do.

from what ive seen and from their impressions on me, [Qi] is just an overbloated circlejerk that believes they are better than everyone else. usual protocols apply, don't join their servers and ban them on sight. they'll soon go away.

from what ive seen and from their impressions on me, [Qi] is just an overbloated circlejerk that believes they are better than everyone else. usual protocols apply, don't join their servers and ban them on sight. they'll soon go away.
So you think I'm a circlejerk? I applied to the clan because at the time, it seemed like it could take off as we had a wide range of skill levels - we have a couple of scripters, some builders, etc. However, I will agree that we do need to kick some people out.

So you think I'm a circlejerk? I applied to the clan because at the time, it seemed like it could take off as we had a wide range of skill levels - we have a couple of scripters, some builders, etc. However, I will agree that we do need to kick some people out.
you're going to need to kick A LOT out if you want to "utilize every member's individual talents to create fun and enjoyable servers while also working towards creating a stable sub-community of Blockland."

like your leader
clan coup

Actually I think Qi is a good clan with good intentions. The only problem is that it's Clan has people in power who shouldn't be in power.

There's just some users who can't handle power. If Qi found better users to manage this stuff then I think it can work out. Also it needs better organization in general, and the right mature people in charge of administration.
I don't know why it's so hard for some people to hold power
Just be reasonable and don't abuse, what's so hard about that

I don't know why it's so hard for some people to hold power
Just be reasonable and don't abuse, what's so hard about that
But how else would people satisfy their need to hold authority of over other people???

One drama and they go on lockdown, what a stable clan.

One drama and they go on lockdown, what a stable clan.
They did it for maximum damage controlutilization.

and now they unlocked it again
make up your loving minds as to whether or not you want to make fools of yourselves already

No, don't host boring servers is the message that I'm trying to get across.

User was banned for this post

Do you want this kind of person leading your clan?

Anyone who blames the host for their server being attacked is not fit for any sort of leading role