
Did you like it?

It was okay.
I haven't seen it yet.
I'm not sure what to think of it yet.

Author Topic: Gravity - SPOILERS.  (Read 2515 times)

Okay so I just watched this movie and I really liked it
Like a lot
a movie has never given me that feeling of fear and dread for the main character like that before. Space is scary

But I wish the ending tied up some loose ending (if we're going for the literal interpretation of the movie). Like, did she ever get back? Was she given an award? Blah blah I guess I shouldn't be complaining about this stuff but oh well. Still a good movie in my book.


not being able to grab ANYTHING simulator 2014

I loved the movie and my best friend thought it was "eh."


Like, did she ever get back?
what? did you not watch the whole movie? the ending was her landing on earth

If the main character is a medical doctor, why the forget is she repairing anything in space?

I've not watched it yet. I have it on Blu-Ray.
My parents enjoyed it, but I'm kinda 'meh on it.
I don't like Sandra Bullock. I do like George Clooney, but it's still a toss-up.

If the main character is a medical doctor, why the forget is she repairing anything in space?
because mario is a plumber and gordon freeman is a theoretical physicist!

I saw it in imax, thought it was real neat.

If the main character is a medical doctor, why the forget is she repairing anything in space?
first of all, she was a medical engineer
and secondly, people are not a bountiful resource in space. if someone has the ability to repair something, they could end up doing it, even if it isn't their specialty

because mario is a plumber and gordon freeman is a theoretical physicist!
mario was a carpenter, silly

first of all, she was a medical engineer
and secondly, people are not a bountiful resource in space. if someone has the ability to repair something, they could end up doing it, even if it isn't their specialty
But wasn't it the Hubble telescope? How would she know anything about it?

But wasn't it the Hubble telescope? How would she know anything about it?
Obviously there's lots of medical equipment on the unmanned telescope.

But wasn't it the Hubble telescope? How would she know anything about it?
did they say anything specific about what they were repairing? if not, it could've just been that they needed to align a lens or even just replace some metal parts holding it in place, or something else simple

But wasn't it the Hubble telescope? How would she know anything about it?
....did you actually watch the movie. the entire time she's being completely guided by clooney's character, and her work only consists of "take thingie out of thingie and don't break it".

If the main character is a medical doctor, why the forget is she repairing anything in space?

Clearly doctors are useless when it comes to perforating head injury by thousand-ton space debris.