Here's some things that personally I would like to see in a clan that labels itself as professionals. You may choose to accept or decline my input, but depending on your response, I will edit stuff from this post.
1. Define what it means to this clan to be a professional.
This clan gives no provision nor any requirements to be recognized as a professional. The OP needs to define what it means in the BL Community. Additionally, there is nothing listed here having to do with proficiency in any BL-related skill—something that should be expected in a clan that labels themselves as professionals.
2. Why require further memberships in other mediums?
Why should an active YouTube account be required for every user who joins. Even in a filming clan to require every user to have a YouTube account is kind of a stretch. Furthermore, what does Twitter have to do with this, and what are you expecting to bring to the clan with it? Unless you can say for certainty that communicating over Twitter will benefit the clan in a significant way, then it is unfair to ask all users to have an active Twitter account, and by extension, I assume, to promote this clan in a frequent manner.
This requirement will only discourage people from joining.
3. What is the significance of one year's involvement with Blockland?
I've played for around 5 years, going on 6 now. In my first 4 years, I played almost every day, and sought to develop my skills since the very beginning, but I was nowhere near proficient at anything until my third year. Sure, some people learn fast, and others slow, but, I think that 1 year's involvement in Blockland is not a proper way to qualify someone as a professional.
4. What do you mean by "Willing to help other players play certain gamemodes?"
I don't know what you mean here? What are you intending to help with?
5. Just a personal question.
Why would you require players to take an off-site survey to apply?
In the end, this clan just seems superficial. It doesn't facilitate mach proficiency, or regard to excellence. It seems to want to easily pass out the title of "professional" like candy, but doesn't push its members to live up to the title.