
Which server should we host?

9 (18.8%)
11 (22.9%)
Noobs vs Admins
9 (18.8%)
A Building Server
5 (10.4%)
Something Original (Explain)
14 (29.2%)

Total Members Voted: 47

Author Topic: Team[Qi] | hello world  (Read 52685 times)

>added Arkal to the OP
[21] Arkal | Building, Creative Thinking, Eventing, Moderationg, Playing, Other(Heavyset)
>readded Panpour5 to the OP
[22] Panpour5 | Building, Eventing, Hosting, Moderating, Playing
>readded Froth to the OP
[23] Froth | Creative Thinking, Eventing, Hosting, Moderating, Playing
>added UberFazz to the OP
[24] UberFazz | Building, Creative Thinking, Environment, Eventing, Hosting, Moderating
>added General R to the OP
[25] General R | Creative Thinking, Eventing, Environment, Moderating, Playing

Done. Sorry about that, I knew I was forgetting about something.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2014, 10:12:37 PM by K1ng_0f_N0thing »

>added Nidos to the OP
[26] Nidos | Building, Environment, Hosting, Moderating, Playing

i have examined your cityrp closely and i find that it is not of the quality it could be

rule nine allows spawnkillers, speedhackers, ect to exist in your server open and willingly, why? this is terrible. - turns out this was an unapproved of edit of the rules
not to mention people seem to think the head of this clan is a god, they have built a church of aoki and a bank of aoki, very odd.
also many lots are breaking the build rules, these are cuboid and many dont fit the theme

"[Qi] is a Blockland clan based on establishing a stable and fun sub-community of Blockland by utilizing our member's individual talents to create fun servers, epic builds, complicated mods, and more stuff of that nature."
why don't you guys follow your own motto? it will make people hate you less, it will make people stop thinking this is the next nigerian cunts (which it almost became before it shut down the first time) and it will make you guys happier in general, making blockland a better community in the long run. help this games future by not being another nigerian cunts, please!
« Last Edit: December 17, 2014, 10:56:21 PM by Crispy_ »

rule nine allows spawnkillers, speedhackers, ect to exist in your server open and willingly, why? this is terrible. - turns out this was an unapproved of edit of the rules
That specific rule was a response to a drama where someone was banned for using rapid fire. Bisjac mentioned something about unfinished gamemodes needing to complete themselves with honor system rules. It was probably overcorrecting to say speedhacking was allowed. Rule 5 was changed to make application extension hacks banable.
not to mention people seem to think the head of this clan is a god, they have built a church of aoki and a bank of aoki, very odd.
I actually have nothing to do with this; I thought of nipping it in the butt when I first saw it, but I didn't see any real reason to, lol
also many lots are breaking the build rules, these are cuboid and many dont fit the theme
I'm sure a lot of these are flagged for demolition, but there's probably a lot of unflagged lots because I don't like destroying people's builds.
"[Qi] is a Blockland clan based on establishing a stable and fun sub-community of Blockland by utilizing our member's individual talents to create fun servers, epic builds, complicated mods, and more stuff of that nature."
why don't you guys follow your own motto? it will make people hate you less, it will make people stop thinking this is the next nigerian cunts (which it almost became before it shut down the first time) and it will make you guys happier in general, making blockland a better community in the long run. help this games future by not being another nigerian cunts, please!
I have seen two posts so far, in this thread, that have said we have not done anything yet.Now let's take a look at our Memberlist and Description.As you can see from our memberlist, our only active members that are also builders are me, c[_], Nuclear Bear, Razer, Eragon, and Couatl. I am a novice when it comes to building, c[_] hasn't been spotted in a year, Nuclear Bear is out hosting, Razer's extensive talent is unknown, Eragon's extensive talent is unknown, and Couatl is working on his own server.
That means that I am the only builder if the clan wants to start a big project.
Now let's take another look back at the playerlist. It has no modelers on it.
If we do start a big project, we would have to rely completely on preexisting models.
Another look at the active coders, me and Nuclear Bear; I know I cannot do anything beyond server-sided edits, and putting an entire GUI/HUD project on Nuclear Bear would just be all around mean on my side.
In this big project, we won't be able to have anything beyond server-sided mods.
So what does that leave us with the potential to do? Mostly freebuilds, CityRPGs, Mini-Empires, RPs, ext...
Stuff that doesn't even compare to some of the amazing servers I've seen.
I really want to take up some big projects, but carrying the entire project on my own shoulders is the sole reason I created this clan; just like many other people, I can't do everything by myself. I need help if you guys really want to see some cool servers out there.
I should probably change the wording around to something more along the lines of "doing the best with what we were given!"

i still managed to have fun, but i still think that there are aspects you could improve, though i understand this is basically your server.

Why, whenever I host, Onactivate is Admin only?

Why, whenever I host, Onactivate is Admin only?
it's the Qurse