
Which server should we host?

9 (18.8%)
11 (22.9%)
Noobs vs Admins
9 (18.8%)
A Building Server
5 (10.4%)
Something Original (Explain)
14 (29.2%)

Total Members Voted: 47

Author Topic: Team[Qi] | hello world  (Read 52438 times)

Don't link to your forum unless you want to be banned for "advertising other forums"

Maybe you could indirectly post it, link to your steam group and have a link to your forums in the steam group if you haven't done that already.

EDIT: Nevermind, op is pretty much already like this though I'd suggest removing the link to your forum from the op.

why is this back up
They (or just aoki) want attention, now that I think about it.

They (or just aoki) want attention, now that I think about it.
might aswell make the title "Team[Quit] | goodbye world"

Don't link to your forum unless you want to be banned for "advertising other forums"

Maybe you could indirectly post it, link to your steam group and have a link to your forums in the steam group if you haven't done that already.


cant pin this on us

It is Aoki's choice to close and reopen.