
Which server should we host?

9 (18.8%)
11 (22.9%)
Noobs vs Admins
9 (18.8%)
A Building Server
5 (10.4%)
Something Original (Explain)
14 (29.2%)

Total Members Voted: 47

Author Topic: Team[Qi] | hello world  (Read 52681 times)

Good to see the new OP!

return; reminds me of

Code: [Select]
function serverCmdClearGhostBricks(%client)
return; <-------------------THIS RIGHT HERE

%count = clientGroup.getCount();

for(%i = 0; %i < %count; %i++)
And that reminds me of the time your almighty clan leader distributed an addon with a backdoor in it.

Good to see the new OP!

return; reminds me of

Code: [Select]
function serverCmdClearGhostBricks(%client)
return; <-------------------THIS RIGHT HERE

%count = clientGroup.getCount();

for(%i = 0; %i < %count; %i++)
Yes, that's what it's from. Why are you posting this everywhere like it's your code because you added two lines to it.

aoki you should give your leadership to another person it seems even your qi people believe you're not fit to be the leader of a clan

aoki you should give your leadership to another person it seems even your qi people believe you're not fit to be the leader of a clan
I can learn.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2015, 03:30:19 PM by Aoki² »

That's not that bad of a plan; I'll do it if I can find someone better than me within the clan.
Plenty of candidates.

Thats on my desktop connecte to cable at my mother housse
Right now I'm at my dad on my stuffty craptop wich for some reason broke because I remember having better internet here but for some reason my hardware forgeted up

Good to see the new OP!

return; reminds me of

Code: [Select]
function serverCmdClearGhostBricks(%client)
return; <-------------------THIS RIGHT HERE

%count = clientGroup.getCount();

for(%i = 0; %i < %count; %i++)
Please stop posting this. There's errors in it and you're acting like its your code, when all you did was add 2 lines.

And that reminds me of the time your almighty clan leader distributed an addon with a backdoor in it.
Weird, I didn't even know that had happened and I thought that was the joke anyway.

Ahaha, oh my god, his response in that thread is absolutely golden. Thank you.

If you heard, or may not have, I flipped out on everyone at my server last night.
I am very sorry if I insulted you, I was very tired and everyone was talking at once. It was crazy

I am also sorry If I made the clan look bad by doing this.

If you heard, or may not have, I flipped out on everyone at my server last night.
I am very sorry if I insulted you, I was very tired and everyone was talking at once. It was crazy

I am also sorry If I made the clan look bad by doing this.
the clan is already terrible
you can't make it look any worse