
Which server should we host?

9 (18.8%)
11 (22.9%)
Noobs vs Admins
9 (18.8%)
A Building Server
5 (10.4%)
Something Original (Explain)
14 (29.2%)

Total Members Voted: 47

Author Topic: Team[Qi] | hello world  (Read 52683 times)

one second youre flaming, the next youre joining this bad clan? gg lol
I don't have a problem with QI.

I don't have a problem with QI.
look whos talking
plus you arent in the position to say this lol.

plus you arent in the position to say this lol.
What are you talking about?

Can we not start a flame war here?
« Last Edit: Today at 02:52:41 AM by Ethan8014 »
Ethan, do you really think anyone is that stupid?
It's obvious as to what you originally said, especially since Paint has a copy of your original quote.

This is a building clan... right?

This is a building clan... right?
were trying to move towards an all around gaming clan, but, yea, we have/will build things

So, once again, someone explain to me why almost everyone hates this clan? I'm in it, and most of the members are cool. Don't see the big problem

If you don't like Qi, why waste your time coming on this topic to post your hate to let everyone know? Keep it to yourself

So, once again, someone explain to me why almost everyone hates this clan? I'm in it, and most of the members are cool. Don't see the big problem

If you don't like Qi, why waste your time coming on this topic to post your hate to let everyone know? Keep it to yourself
Most people are problem users.

Most people are problem users.
This is an exaggeration. The few "problem users" seem to stand out more than the rest.

How many of the 18 active members (clan members who have used the forum in the past two weeks) are known problem users?
« Last Edit: February 12, 2015, 09:41:06 PM by dargereldren »

So, once again, someone explain to me why almost everyone hates this clan? I'm in it, and most of the members are cool. Don't see the big problem

When a few bad eggs representing a group in any way mistreat somebody, the public is going to automatically assume this is how this group operates. Expecting the normal user to do more research on your group before labeling everyone in it a problem user is assuming that particular user is involved enough to do the research. The consensus on Qi to the normal Joe is to avoid Qi members because they're known to perpetuate drama. Why haven't you shown people otherwise? You can't just say things aren't that way, because nobody will believe you.

The issue on some members behalf is the lack of effort put into proving your group isn't full of problem users. Instead of showing your good side to the people who's opinion matters most to you and others, some of you decided to lash out or shut down any and all criticism, going so far as to suggest cutting ties with the forum. I've said it before and I'll say it again, you can't change somebody's mind by telling them they're wrong. That doesn't make a difference. You have to show them why they're wrong. Disprove any allegations that your association with a clan makes you a problem user by not acting how they expect you to act.

tl;dr version: People hate your clan because they've been exposed to only the bad side of your clan. If you can figure out how to show them that there's more than just a bad side, you'll gain their respect.

People hate your clan because they've been exposed to only the bad side of your clan. If you can figure out how to show them that there's more than just a bad side, you'll gain their respect.
what's stopping them from ignoring the good side

what's stopping them from ignoring the good side

Think of it like this: If you and your clan members made the effort to get on the community's good side and still got treated like stuff, then it wouldn't be your fault, would it?

It's a lot simpler than that, though. Treat others as you want them to treat you etc etc. People don't hate you and your clan as much as you think, dude :v

Local power outage killed my home server's hard drive; it might be a while until I can get the forums up again. I'm considering making a poll on whether to get the forums up as soon as possible or to temporarily disband until Summer where we'll have more time to get everything organized.

Two more options:
  • Use the Steam group
  • Use the forums I've just made on my site: http://qi.dargereldren.us/, however you will have to re-register
    I'll work on making that forum better if we choose this option
Edit: Irrelevant, but 3200th post!
« Last Edit: February 14, 2015, 09:40:19 PM by dargereldren »

I've forwarded teamqi.us to dargereldren's site. It might take a while to update.