Author Topic: what the piss, my left arm hurts  (Read 1054 times)

so it's been hurting for a while now, I'm pretty sure I pulled a muscle a few days ago and it aches when I move and bend my arm.

no seriously how do I ease this pain (other than not move), it's loving annoying when you feel like one of your arms is a useless tumor.

also discuss body parts hurting, no tuna needed, thanks.

My Achilles tendon has been hurting for five days now.

no seriously how do I ease this pain (other than not move)
get this man some morphine

Correct me if I'm wrong, but try to massage the area where it hurts

wow i dont know maybe go to the loving medic

I read title that your left arm hurts when you pee.

For real though, it might just be a growing pain or overuse of your arm in a short period of time. Take Ibuprofen.

It might be a sign you're getting a stroke/heart attack

read here to be sure op

First thought: Impending heart attack.
Second thought: Lactic acid.

Try doing some stretches.

the forget is that

the forget is that
If you don't know what an Achilles tendon is, then you probably shouldn't be on the forums.

First thought: Impending heart attack.
Second thought: Lactic acid.

Try doing some stretches.
IIRC watermelon makes recovering sore muscles faster

wow i dont know maybe go to the loving medic

It might be a sign you're getting a stroke/heart attack

read here to be sure op
oh yeah, I did pull a muscle. I was helping my grandfather fix the inside of the dryer, and pulled something when I lifted it for the last time. Nothing to worry about.

Where does it hurt?
mostly up near the upper part, I didn't grab the machine right and ended up pulling something near to where supposesedly the torso connects the arm

mostly up near the upper part, I didn't grab the machine right and ended up pulling something near to where supposesedly the torso is
the upper part?
Bicep? Tricep? Shoulder?