Author Topic: Area Zone Discussion  (Read 7058 times)

My server != Area Zone script. I should've made that clear.

Look on the internet for 'Point Inside Polygon' scripts, check the X and Y of players, have it so you can shoot the first point, then any number of points around it, maybe followed by a 'height' for the area.

The best way of doing this when trying this was to split it into triangles. (Last Point), (New Point), (Centre of Polygon). I was porting it from another game program, so it didn't work out right for me. It won't work for some concave shapes.

also yer rpg needs a coustom map

I don't think they can do triangles, can they? If they can, then man, that's the perfect idea. I'm still a fan of the temp brick idea, but I'm not so sure how to go about doing that one. If anyone has a copy of that really, really old RTB duplicator script with the example of how it would be done, I'd be glad to take a copy of it.

Ciber: VH said he highly considered making one for me. If he does, I'll use that one.

if he does thear should be chunks out of hills n mouyntains  for  mines
also when will server b up its cristmas break and im bored

is this available for DL?
ya i wana  mess with it and and have a server with some pre built  towns n stuf  id give credit

Everyone seems to be asking me for a copy. I'm working on it, and I've been asking for suggestions in the meantime. It's not gonna be released until it's done, and it's very not done at the moment. I might update the Safe Zone script with a sort of Naming feature, but that's it at the moment. I'm not releasing until the GUI and everything's complete, simple as that, sadly. :(

Could you pleas just pm it to me fine sir as i wish tho  change some stuf and use my own coustom map/build then  i could host when you cant

Could you pleas just pm it to me fine sir as i wish tho  change some stuf and use my own coustom map/build then  i could host when you cant

heh, ciber and I are thinking of the same thing.

I've seen the mod ingame and I think its ready for release. A GUI would be nice though.

also tho it may not seem so i am not a noob i just dont like being ignored
build protection
to keep peeps like icy from spaming server and  boxing staerter town
as a matter o factcompleatly build starter town and make an area  in ehich only supper admins can make/destroy bricks
becaus some 1 destroyd starter town

also i can prebuild startter town then give  you the blb file a testmat to my building is the town of stonegared just give me the  specs  like buildings youi need

Nice, i still remember this from your rpg  :cookieMonster:

Area Zone Selling. Should it be 'put in shop once, always can buy it unless it's manually removed', or, 'put it in shop, someone can buy it from shop, shop doesn't have it anymore'? I require opinions.

Shops should have an inventory that changes to random amounts every 15 minutes or so.  For example, a player walks in and the store has 0 Ice Wands.  15 minutes later, the store has 2 Ice Wands.  It'd be easy to make a randomize function with a min and max number per item.  Also, it might be cool to be able to sell mage items in a non-mage store for more money than the purchase price.  You should also consider having the randomize function change the prices of items, configurable with a min and max price per item.  Using this feature, you could have items sell back to the store at 75% of the current purchase price, and rare items (like mage weapons in a non-mage store) sell for 100% of the current purchase price.

That's a good idea for an added feature, but that isn't really helpful when it comes to Player Shops. For non-player-owned ships, that's a great feature to have, but for player-owned shops, I don't really like it.

I think I'm leaning towards a put-in-one-buy-one method for player shops. I've been sidetracked by various little mods over the last few days. I'm fighting little bugs in scripts here and there, making new scripts, making new bugs, it's all crazy. I still need to update the method that the script uses to check who's in an area when giving out bonus money to people in the area. I'll need to work on that.

Not to mention that I've been completely slacking on the GUI. I'm seemingly changing my mind on things, and may completely rework it. It'll be some time before this script gets done.

But if I'm lucky, we'll have Area Zones before Elevators, perhaps. >:D