Author Topic: Brickitects House build/rp  (Read 4195 times)

it's considered grand theft if the object stolen is worth more than the state's statuatory arizona (where bricki [and i] happen to live) it's $1000, so unless you're stealing one of those micro cars that the kiddos drive around the block, stealing any car is pretty much grand theft auto.

isn't grand theft auto when you violently pull someone out of their vehicle and get in it and drive away?

The welcome message is their only warning, but people are too stupid to read them.
It's their fault for not reading it.
Why don't you just put a rules brick? Plus, this doesn't even deserve a kick, it's just taking a car you could always respawn it or tell the person to stop, but if you want to kick so badly, fine.

both op and brickitect are dumbasses

lol it's his server he can do what he wants. I don't see what the big deal is, just join some other server.

lol it's his server he can do what he wants. I don't see what the big deal is, just join some other server.
that doesnt loving justify it, just because I own a firearm doesn't mean I can shoot anyone I want.
He could of at least given this guy a warning or something rather than kicking him when he came back and asked what the reason was. Why make a big deal about someone driving your car around when you can simply re-spawn it and tell the person to stop? And there's a vehicle key lock add-on master king deaddude uses floating around (not sure if its private or not).

isn't grand theft auto when you violently pull someone out of their vehicle and get in it and drive away?
Thats a way of doing it.

It's just a loving car. It's not like this is some game which you shovel time into, such as DayZ, where stealing a car wastes a lot of time for the victim. The car could have just been respawned, and all would have been fine. Or, Brickitect could have just told OP to stop, and that would be the end of it. Why have a problem with GTA anyway? When I was on yesterday not much RPing was going on, and the only thing happening was some small building. It's not a big enough server to worry about GTA yet, imo. To add another point, OP claims he spawned the cars, so it wouldn't be GTA anyway. Not sure if this is true, however.

Drama threads like this are why the drama section is so handicapped.  I'm sorry this happened to you, but just move on.  It isn't that big of an issue.  This guy is a horrible host and you shouldn't even give him the attention from a drama thread.  Just join a server hosted by someone responsible and forget that it happened to you and your life will be happier.  You shouldn't dwell on issues that only caused you harm for a minute.  Join a server that lets you drive a car around.  Hell, come join my server.  As long as you aren't being annoying with your car, nobody's got a problem.  And if you ARE annoying with your car, I'll tell you to stop before I kick you.

But for the love of god, everyone stop making such pointless and meaningless drama threads about stupid petty issues ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

He could of at least given this guy a warning or something rather than kicking him when he came back and asked what the reason was. Why make a big deal about someone driving your car around when you can simply re-spawn it and tell the person to stop?

brickitect's known for over-reacting to things way too much so i'm not suprised he banned/kicked him without a warning or actually used common sense to just respawn the car.

lol it's his server he can do what he wants. I don't see what the big deal is, just join some other server.
Yes it is his server but he doesn't need to be a richardhead.

his rules are bad but its his server so he can do what he wants
Quote from: Big Brother


brickitect's known for over-reacting to things way too much so i'm not suprised he banned/kicked him without a warning or actually used common sense to just respawn the car.
I have to agree with this. Brickitect is always to lazy to just respawn the vehicle or just ask not to do that again and instead he always goes straight to an unfair punishment.

lol it's his server he can do what he wants. I don't see what the big deal is, just join some other server.
his rules are bad but its his server so he can do what he wants
Quote from: Badspot
Might does not make right, friends.  You can't host a party and then fling stuff at people because it's "your party".

You stole vehicles, there is ZERO tolerance for this.
That's kinda pathetic seeing how you can just respawn the vehicle. It's not like you have to file a police report or anything to get it back.

This isn't real life