Author Topic: Greyhawk's stuffty forget server of ruined dreams  (Read 6904 times)

For the love of forget. I'm a super admin on his server, he told me he de-admired several people. And I saw your force field. I thought it was pretty cool. I'm going to talk to grey about this today. I'm also clearing the ban list.

What? The only person that actually hated me was Lanius. Nobody else was complaining.

I've got SA and have permission to de-admin and ban
List abusive admins and their BL_ID

Was on it there now, caught some dude freekilling people with their lights on.
overall, its a lagfest

Is Greyhawk too stupid or lazy to de-admin abusive administration and clear the list? Or does he not know his admins and what they're capable of.

Is Greyhawk too stupid or lazy to de-admin abusive administration and clear the list? Or does he not know his admins and what they're capable of.

I think he went braindead the second he SA'd the first abusive admin.

I think he went braindead the second he SA'd the first abusive admin.
We settled the issue.

Okay well that's forgetin' great
Some person must have used the /talkas command on me and made me say something along the lines of "OMG THIS SERVER SUCKS forget YOU GUYS IM GONNA DRAMA THIS".
Nobody investigated anything. I was perma'd by the host with the ban message "have fun"

Okay well that's forgetin' great
Some person must have used the /talkas command on me and made me say something along the lines of "OMG THIS SERVER SUCKS forget YOU GUYS IM GONNA DRAMA THIS".
Nobody investigated anything. I was perma'd by the host with the ban message "have fun"
forget i'm so sorry.
That was me, you have been unbanned already.

Not on the talkas part but on banning, we're working on figuring out who did that.
Or at least i am

Not on the talkas part but on banning, we're working on figuring out who did that.
Or at least i am
If an admin used talkas, I'm pretty sure the server is not fixable with the amounts of abusive admins. The another way is how someone can be using mini game events to make the person talk.
ex: on activate- mini game- chat mssg all

I think i'm just gonna stay away from Grey's for a while, mistakes like these will get me alot of drama

If an admin used talkas, I'm pretty sure the server is not fixable with the amounts of abusive admins. The another way is how someone can be using mini game events to make the person talk.
ex: on activate- mini game- chat mssg all

Why would you need /talkas on fortwars anyway?

Why would you need /talkas on fortwars anyway?
The server has a ton of add-ons that are not required or in the contrary diminish the enjoyment of users.

Also, Assasin1337 has been perma'd and de-admined by me

just a quick heads up, that Elizabeth person was rehired as SA

stop hesitating

also, the host did clarify that forcefields are not a rule