Author Topic: The Rec. Drug Thread - FAQ, Q&A, General Information  (Read 364993 times)

Idc how any alcohol tastes, I chug it nonetheless. For me,
alcohol is there to get you drunk with no other purpose,
I don't have to enjoy the taste of it. For example I chugged vodka last night and it didn't really affect me in terms of taste for no more than 5 minutes. There's a limit to how much the alcohol hurts, and if you reach that limit you can't feel your throat any more so you're smooth sailing from there.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2014, 07:34:35 AM by Passta Soup »

germany would hate you pass

double post
!!!!! nerdlord alert !!!!!
im so tired that my face hurts, thanks nerd

It's true though, liquor is disgusting but you drink it anyways to get drunk.

It's true though, liquor is disgusting but you drink it anyways to get drunk.
Oh well he said alcohol, not just liquor. I'd rather have a 6 pack of beer than liquor any day. Beer, Mike's, Twisted Tea, etc taste great and you can actually enjoy them without willingly getting hammered from drinking a lot.

It's true though, liquor is disgusting but you drink it anyways to get drunk.
someone's clearly never had whiskey on the rocks

There are plenty of alcoholic beverages that taste good. For the unacclimated taste theres Mike's Hard. Tastes like lemonade, there's a HINT of alcoholic taste but it doesn't ruin the drink. Same with Smirnoff Ice. Then for slightly more acclimated tastes there's (some) well drinks, lime-a-ritas, straw-ber-ritas, and various other flavored drinks (4loko tastes like stuff but it's not from the alcohol). Then there's kind of a taste curve for beer. You gotta find a beer which you don't hate drinking. For me this was Dos Equis. In the beginning I gagged after every sip, but now it's almost as easy to drink as soda. Once that one beer becomes palatable, others become easier. For me this was other light beers like Bud Light (Platinum), Blue Moon, Stella Artois, etc.

Hard liquor is a different story and that you only start enjoying after you force yourself to.

Scotch is pretty dope. I've only had a few scotches but Glenlivet 12 was really good. Also my friend bought this Japanese whiskey Hibiki and it was like $80 for a 750ml bottle but it tasted so good. I probably wouldn't spend that much on it but it was really good.

Let me clarify. I don't hate the taste of alcohol, but I drink it in the first place for an outcome of getting drunk. I enjoy the taste of hard liquors, beer, wine, mike's etc. I don't drink alcohol because I want the taste, I drink it to get drunk and that's the real reason behind it. I still appreciate certain kinds of alcohols above others though.

I said "For me"
Not everyone is the same.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2014, 04:29:00 PM by Passta Soup »

someone's clearly never had whiskey on the rocks
nah i'm not an alcoholic unlike someone

nah i'm not an alcoholic unlike someone

Rude as forget

nah i'm not an alcoholic unlike someone

That was unnecessary