Author Topic: So me and my lady friend just got caught sneaking out late at night :(  (Read 3001 times)

Well, not me as much as her, but her whole family knows me. I feel really bad about it and I'm not sure what to do. My parents as of yet still do not know but it just happened. We've been meeting up around 1:30 every night, I would pick her up in my car and we'd go hang out. One time before we went swimming in my neighborhood's pool. Today is her birthday and we wanted to hang out again, and she wanted to go swimming, so I took her. We started swimming and when we got out just cuddled/etcetc/nomoremancard and all was well and good till her phone went off. We were both like,"forget."

We hopped in the car and I sped to her house and dropped her off outside the gate where she could slip in. Her mom had gotten like 3 calls in, a voicemail too. I just got home maybe 10 minutes ago and well, her sister just messaged me. I would post the message for you guys to see but I'm uneasy about it. It made me feel really bad. Like terrible, she was talking about how she was worried and how she should've called the police and how I "don't care about her" by "letting her walk there." She doesn't know I pick her up in my car, I don't talk to her much. Her whole family didn't like me before but now I'm the center of hatred and the reason for all problems in their family. Her sister told me that I was the worst thing that ever happened to her and that really hurt. I know I made a bad decision but she's the best and pretty much only friend I've got and we just love spending time together. I don't know what to do. They want me gone.


apologize, make them understand it was just a spur of the moment and it wont happen again

but what do i know

i have no friends


lmao I'm literally in the same exact situation as her

lmao I'm literally in the same exact situation as her

De ja vu maaaaan.

Congrats OP, you're officially "that guy." to the whole family.

Her family is like, one giant starfish.

Stick it i-
Actually, I'll let someone else post that. I'm too much of a hipster.

Congrats OP, you're officially "that guy." to the whole family.

been that way, they refered to me as,"the roof boy," because we got caught on the roof of our school together once.

Her family is like, one giant starfish.

They haven't liked me from the start :/

Maybe you should try conventionally dating.
You know, going out to places in the day/evening and letting people (both your parents) know where you're going?

I say you man up and apologise sincerely, explain that you won't sneak off at night again and you never meant to put your girlfriend in danger nor make her family worry for her, and that you'll let them know whenever you two go out somewhere.
By the way, how old are you and your girlfriend?

There is only one thing that can help solve your problem, weed. Just get them all so high on some medical Indica and wait for them to forget the whole ordeal.

i dont see the big deal.
her family is uptight. so what.

kids have been doing this since the beginning of times and getting caught. only this gen seems ro be the fearful crybabies about it.

lmao I'm literally in the same exact situation as her
Confirmed relationship between OP and BubbaGum

Out past curfew
Breaking into public property after hours

Man up, tell her parents what happened. Show some responsibility so they don't think negatively towards you. Sure they might discard an apology and continue to hate you, but they can't really stop you from dating a person you like unless they convince her to throw a restraining order in your path.

Sart dating like a normal person, no one likes that guy who is suspicious and roams around late at night.