Author Topic: So, what've I missed?  (Read 132941 times)

I seriously don't understand most of the complaints regarding Blockland's development that I've seen in the threads over time. The bit Badspot says about it being a one time fee of $10 and the comparisons he makes are actually true. Have any of you even played other games before? If you were promised 2 years of updates while purchasing a game in alpha, you can expect updates. If you're paying a monthly fee, you can probably expect updates for player retention. But when you just buy a game on the side that's a one-time, reasonably priced fee (Blockland is even super cheap now at $10), updates are something you take by surprise and enjoy them for being special, not something you just grow to expect.

I'm really just going to hope it's that narrow view of game development and those complaining don't actually go about their lives being this needy. Maybe they expect updates because all the hot games everyone is talking about are free-to-play with microtransactions and use updates to hook more players. Blockland isn't that. Other games for consoles sometimes have patches, but those are usually to fix game-breaking bugs that cost the company money. Blockland isn't that either. Even if you payed the old price of $20, your Blockland experience caused you trauma for life, and you think Badspot is the spawn of satan, you can just walk away from your computer. It's actually that simple.

Anyway, go play more games and have fun with your lives.

also where's everyone coming from
wtf happened to RTB
hi iban
Welcome I hope you're here to stay
hi miika
Hi Iban!
hi hugums
The community was never happy. Trust me on this one.
hi truec
Are you still a rapist?
hi gamefandan
I wonder if Badspot flashes back to when lego offered to buy blockland.
hi makingblah
An Open Letter On Enforcement and Modding
ok tl;dr but hi wallet

jesus christ is there some kinda secret essay writing contest going on.

jesus christ is there some kinda secret essay writing contest going on.
Winner gets badspot's acknowledgement

I dont know if the post is relevant anymore, but badspot said he was in the middle of a big compatibility breaking update. So, yeah.

Honestly, I think badspot should move on to another project after he gets blockland more stable. Still release patches for this for a bit, but if you really feel that you dont enjoy working on blockland anymore, work on something else.

I don't really see any problem with the moderation of this forum. If you're a jerk you get banned. If you've repeatedly been a jerk, badspot is a lot less tolerant of you and will be harsher with bans. If you've repeatedly been a major jerk you get banned on sight.

Honestly, the fact that the forum is so lenient on alternate keys/accounts is very generous.

Deletion of opinions is not human nature and is bad.


There is a lack of features and documentation.

Saying there is no documentation is false.

"No game has better mod support than blockland" is a bold statement.

Gamemode system is rushed and bad.

The developer should not blame the community for the lack of modding ability.
gaben was here


I was scared about posting feedback and that is not a thing a community should be worried about.

I don't go here much.

Hi mom!
Simplified non-pretentious version

opinions are not human nature lol

opinions are not human nature lol

Deletion of opinions is not human nature and is bad.

Deletion of opinions is not human nature and is bad.
i said exactly what i said for a reason, dont try to correct me

opinions are not human nature lol
u srs

what have you done, you just made an opinion about opinions being of human nature


i said exactly what i said for a reason, dont try to correct me
I thought you were responding to crispys post, sorry.

Am I the only modder in existence that doesn't care about the lack of documentation?

There's a loving trace() function that tells you the parameters of every function and the functions it then calls from there. If you can't interpret how a function like miniGameCanDamage works from the name, then you might need to reconsider how you use your time. For Torque functions, every single last one has an explanation of how it works if you just call it with the incorrect number of parameters. Need a complete list of all Blockland functions? dumpConsoleFunctions();.

There is nothing that Badspot would document that would be any more helpful than a combination of these methods of figuring out how stuff works. It might make it easier because all you have to do is open up your web browser and search for a function, but it's not like documentation is necessary.

And you know what? We even have an absolutely massive unofficial documentation of the Torque language and Blockland functions in particular. You might have heard of it: it's called the Coding Help board. It's literally the single largest TorqueScript reference on the entire internet. If you google your TorqueScript problems, there's a 9/10 chance you're gonna find the answer on the Blockland Forums and if not you'll find it nowhere. And the best part is, it's not even a static documentation. You can ask questions whenever you want and dozens of qualified coders will come to help you. So next time you're thinking, "Wow, I really wish there was documentation for GameConnection::Kill()." just go to the Coding Help board and post a topic saying, "Hey! Can somebody explain to me how to use GameConnection::Kill()? Thanks!"

Woah, my bad. I totally meant to say Player::Kill() not GameConnection::Kill(). Dunno what I was thinking.

I really agree that unique mods that are never released to the public do nothing but harm the game