Author Topic: So, what've I missed?  (Read 130253 times)

Disallowing drama in general would be so boring.
I highly doubt you only find entertainment in drama, and if that's not true then I pity you.

Why not just go watch reality tv?

It would also disallow us to recognize and proliferate around the community who problem users are.
Most problem users are drama forum dwellers and/or ddos skids. Anything in-game is usually banned once any problem arises in said server, unless the server itself is the problem in which people leave it. Any serious in-game issues could be reported directly to Badspot.

its more then passion or doing favors for current blockland players.
its a business decision.

yeah blockland still sells and will for a long while.
but would any new playable game content added spurt a growth in temporary sales?
if yes, then do these little expansions till it stops working.
if no, then dont do it at all.

its not complicated. nor should anything be surprised about it.
The steam support is awful and we've lost like 800 new users after the community choice sale ended.

way to miss the whole point dimwit
You're dismissing every single one of my points with "ur dramaing!" and "so opinionated". Over and over.

Most problem users are drama forum dwellers and/or ddos skids. Anything in-game is usually banned once any problem arises in said server, unless the server itself is the problem in which people leave it. Any serious in-game issues could be reported directly to Badspot.
Hell, any serious problem users who actually destroy servers should be posted in GD.

You're dismissing every single one of my points with "ur dramaing!" and "so opinionated". Over and over.
or youre just annoying everyone by regurgitating the same points over and over again. its like you choose not to understand anything because your opinion is like a magical cloak or something.

Hell, any serious problem users who actually destroy servers should be posted in GD.
Your "no drama" rule disallows that though. Makes the community seem like a worse place to be, remember? Makes the game look bad? We can't have that.

Deleting the whole board would ease a lot of hostility.
do you think people are magically going to become less hostile just because a board is removed?
they would just be hostile elsewhere. even if "drama topics" weren't allowed in other sections

Quote from: Chrono
Drama affects more than just the drama board.
Well no stuff it's a drama board on a FORUM for a GAME. It's all loving Blockland dude. Of course there is gonna be drama, and you obviously can't handle it very well.

Quote from: Chrono
I would gladly follow a no-drama rule, but that can't happen if everyone just accepts drama. But yeah you can just keep repeating the obvious.
A no-drama rule. That sounds nice. While were at it, there should also be a rule for not posting anything rude to other people, or and bad things at all.  I bet if you just "control" what people can say and post, they just won't say it, ey? Better start handing out bans like candy. Then everyone will think the forum is real friendly...

Your "no drama" rule disallows that though. Makes the community seem like a worse place to be, remember? Makes the game look bad? We can't have that.
We'll continue a discussion when you figure out how to use common sense, instead of desperately grasping at "nothing between the lines" arguments for the sake of agreeing with your lord.

or youre just annoying everyone by regurgitating the same points over and over again. its like you choose not to understand anything because your opinion is like a magical cloak or something.
I 'regurgitate' the same points because people take something I said and ask questions I already answered. There really hasn't been much to understand but "I did make updates", "Banning/deleting opinion posts are okay because they're against our lord", and "drama is good because I like bashing other users in my spare time"

do you think people are magically going to become less hostile just because a board is removed?
It's a start.
they would just be hostile elsewhere. even if "drama topics" weren't allowed in other sections
Yeah I know you're really good at doing that.

Well no stuff it's a drama board on a FORUM for a GAME. It's all loving Blockland dude. Of course there is gonna be drama, and you obviously can't handle it very well.
A no-drama rule. That sounds nice. While were at it, there should also be a rule for not posting anything rude to other people, or and bad things at all.  I bet if you just "control" what people can say and post, they just won't say it, ey? Better start handing out bans like candy. Then everyone will think the forum is real friendly...
See: What I said to Ipq.

I highly doubt you only find entertainment in drama, and if that's not true then I pity you.
Why not just go watch reality tv?
What other purpose is there to this board but entertainment? "Conflict resolution?" Once in a blue moon, maybe.

The steam support is awful and we've lost like 800 new users after the community choice sale ended.
This is not unusual, nor is it particularly noteworthy. The game is still selling, people are still playing.

Hell, any serious problem users who actually destroy servers should be posted in GD.
Contradicting yourself pretty hard there, pal.

We'll continue a discussion when you figure out how to use common sense, instead of desperately grasping at "nothing between the lines" arguments for the sake of agreeing with your lord.
See: What I said to Ipq.
There are smoother ways to admit that you don't have a retort to a legitimate point.
Such as: "You're right, oops."

It's a start.
It wouldn't do a thing. It'd be beneficial to you to learn how people function.


  • Administrator
Deleting the whole board would ease a lot of hostility.
Good idea, we'll just ban disagreements.  Then everyone will agree!

Come on man.
/karts/speedkart.cs is a community contribution to the mod.  You literally picked the one function I didn't write.  Indentation does not match code flow, so there's programmer error here, but it does not break the game so it is not a critical issue.  I'll make a note.


  • Administrator
For example, these two hostile and uncalled for posts.

Heedical has been a total cunt for months, if not years.  He's trying to appear 'level-headed' now so he can look like the victim after provoking me into reacting. 

Heed is probably the only person who manages to spew so much crap that I actually went out of my way to get the post blocking script. God God, I don't know how a single person can manage to drown their self (how grammar) in so much blind nostalgia as he does.

Yeah I know you're really good at doing that.
I thought you wanted drama to go away. doesn't that mean you shouldn't try to start it?

I 'regurgitate' the same points because people take something I said and ask questions I already answered. There really hasn't been much to understand but "I did make updates", "Banning/deleting opinion posts are okay because they're against our lord", and "drama is good because I like bashing other users in my spare time"
you cant fix stupid now can you