Author Topic: End of forums?  (Read 3049 times)

am i the only person that has no loving clue what's going on in this thread
probably not

wow so cryptic

lets never forget the "dox" that man of raisins made of me.
remember all, I'm Ian Nehmer, I live in a vacant house in chicago and I look like filthy frank.

am i the only person that has no loving clue what's going on in this thread

I second this.

wow so cryptic

lets never forget the "dox" that man of raisins made of me.
remember all, I'm Ian Nehmer, I live in a vacant house in chicago and I look like filthy frank.

I remember when someone had "dox"ed MoR too, but idk if any of the info and pics were real. Still a good laugh though.

wow 2 spooky

they're just random trolls, this does not qualify a topic lol

The first page reminds me of Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff.

are the forums getting injected with a virus or

I second this.
Someone uploaded a script to some website that will run it and then reboot and op is freaking put because he doesn't know how websites work

probably some half assed DDoS attack

Someone uploaded a script to some website that will run it and then reboot and op is freaking put because he doesn't know how websites work
This isnt happening on my computer. Refer to

I thought you meant something else

wasn't maxx the one spouting this

You wake up. As your eyes adjust to the bright sun pouring through your window, you slowly pull yourself out of bed and turn on your computer. As it boots up, you check the time and the date. 10:00 am, August 21st. Suddenly, you remember. Panicked, you open up your browser thinking, "It can't be true. They were bluffing, there's no way!" As the home page appears you click your Blockland Forums bookmark. What awaits you is more horrifying than you ever could have ever imagined. You try to look away, but the euphoria engulfs you. The forums, a mere scrap of their former glory, have been invaded. Forumers posting frantic messages for help, the order and community scrambled in a digital blaze. You try to close out, but it's no use. They already have you. Your appearance begins to morph along with your surroundings. Classic movie posters turned into memes and anime babes. Your clean dressers are covered with dry semen and food crumbs. You gain 500 pounds and your face becomes entrepreneur led. Once well-groomed, your hair descends past your neck fat, which has sprouted a beard. As a fedora descends upon your cranium, you experience true euphoria. "It's all over now," you whisper. In your final moments, you make out a picture of a poorly drawn troll face. You close your eyes. You have been trolled.

tl;dr it's 12:30 and I'm going to sleep
Here, have another reading.  :)