Can I make a bunch of model requests in here?I need a few models resembling the guns featured in Receiver game.I need a Smith&Wesson Model 10 revolver, Colt M1911A1 and Glock 17 with automatic sear.If possible, please give these guns animations like hammer clicking down, chamber being opened, chamber being closed, chamber being spinned for revolver,For pistols a fire anim with trigger being pulled and the slide animated, animation for pulling black slide and releasing it, safety lock/unlock anims for Colt and automatic fire toggle for Glock17 anims would be great.Right now I'm working on weapons that closely resemble the Receiver ones, and so far I've made a Revolver that acts pretty much like Receiver S&W. The only problem with it is that it lacks animations since it uses Bushido's Adventure Pack Revolver model as a placeholder.
Nope? Nobody cares to help?Okay, then it's D.I.Y. I need model practice anyway.
brother I said I would help:-snippitysnap-
that looks like the one in cavik's mafia madness