Author Topic: Louisville purge: It's over  (Read 21378 times)

Fatflyer is the only handicap in Canada
well not the only one
yeah well instead of handicaps you get the whole province of quebec, filled with pompous starfish wannabe frenchies
this is why we stay away from quebec.
you harbour lando the climber
well I wish I could eradicate him but I cant, sorry.

Honestly from some stuff i read about Louisville it doesnt seem like anything super serious, the whole purge thing was just some excuse for people to do stuff.

Unless i missed something about people being murdered like crazy then this was just drunk mischeif.

Atleast someone got some pusillanimous individual though ;) Heh get it cause someone raped a cat?

Atleast someone got some pusillanimous individual though ;) Heh get it cause someone raped a cat?
A cat is always fine too.

the entire idea of the purge was the fact that it was a hoax, but everyone took the hoax seriously.

This thing just reminds me of dashcon for some reason.

Hey guys if you want to hear something really special listen to the Detroit or NYPD police scanner.

This thing just reminds me of dashcon for some reason.
well both are full of idiots
top footage man, serious stuff.
(we really need a sarcasm font)
top footage man, serious stuff.
(we really need a sarcasm font)
Don't bold italics work for this serious stuff?

If this actually happened in a scale equal to that in the movies, the National Guard and probably part of the army would come and shut it down immediately, and all of those cities listed would be put on high alert. The entire US would be watching the news and there would be warnings for everywhere to keep safe.

This was a hoax, if it was anything it was a bunch of drunk idiots who took a joke too seriously.
you realize it pretty much happened in just st. louis?

also, media DID report about it.

it's just that it wasn't large scale and it wasn't as bad as an actual purge.
top footage man, serious stuff.
(we really need a sarcasm font)
yeah, we totally need a sarcasm font