Author Topic: How'd you act as a [younger] kid?  (Read 3923 times)

I've locked away many of my memories of how I was as a child, except that modern me probably couldn't stand past me

loud, annoying and awkward

im still awkward

I got expelled from my first school because i hit a kid in the head with a toy shovel. Yep, my second school I wasn't an outcast, but I never talked with anyone. I told everyone I was atheist and hated america to get a bad reaction out of them. Ended up being bullied the rest of the year. 3rd school, I was a huge outcast and I didn't talk to anyone. I just sat all day. Eventually I got really good at socializing. I was diagnosed with autism at that age too. Now I'm starting my fourth school. Meh, just got done with first week. Scared of my math teacher ;_;

i was really shy and i'd get sick at school because i missed my parents
i got alot of anxiety attacks
there was also this guy at school who threw a dodgeball at my head

there was also this guy at school who threw a dodgeball at my head
was this like an isolated incident or

I had really bad anger issues in third grade, then after that was sorted I became really really shy

was this like an isolated incident or
not really
alot of other people saw it and i was too scared to tell any teachers

I was both an starfish and the trouble maker.
Made 2-3 teachers quit over my whole grade/primary school life.
There came a point around 4-5th grade I think where the teachers and principle called me in to make a deal that they wouldn't get me in so much trouble if I would tone down how much I forgeted around even just a little.

not really
alot of other people saw it and i was too scared to tell any teachers
i never really seen or experienced any sorta bullying so i don't really know how one'd deal with that

I was well-mannered and played n64 games in my free time, mainly Zelda. I got Wind-Waker the day it came out because my parents were satisfied with my grades. When I played outside, I imagined myself as a battle-mage. I had the best Pokémond card collection in the neighbourhood, and would make deals with my cards to get whatever I wanted. Most of my childhood was spent in a single fenced-in complex, I didn't have issues making friends back then. I would camp on the lawn with my friends a lot, we all had tents. I got made fun of because I fell asleep in the girl's tent, jokes on them; I kissed three older girls. lol

I was loving stupid and knew nothing and was basically disruptive on accident until 6th grade(?), I also didn't listen a lot or do my homework because I just wanted to sleep and I was constantly tired.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2014, 06:43:00 AM by Maxwell. »

i was always trying to be a cool kid

then I realized all the cool kids are obnoxious loving morons

i was always the quiet, rule-following, frailly emotional kid
if i were to get like 1 citation/mark/card pull/whatever, I'd burst out into a fit of tears because i had never really broken any rules
i used to get straights a's
and then 7th grade i just decided that i didnt care anymore
and now i make b's and c's
Pretty much me all the way through Grades 1-9
around 8 or 9 is when I stopped caring

I told everyone I was atheist and hated america to get a bad reaction out of them. Ended up being bullied the rest of the year.
well yeah thats what happens, keith