Author Topic: Swampivorous - Being a forgetstick again  (Read 2220 times)

Today swamp entered the laugh you lose thread, posted several overdone pokemon comics and jokes. When told that we either didnt get them or didnt like them he insisted that we were the ones in the wrong because apparently we're all rapists and murders or something like that. Point is, he should practice what he preaches and stop posting unfunny stuff and also learn that laughing at a rape joke =/= being a rapist/laughing at rape irl.

His flooding of stupid stuff, being hypocritcal in the last quote
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Next Yakuza 6 Boss: 
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I've lost 5-7 times to that one.
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those aren't even funny.
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Calling people who enjoy offensive humor sociopaths
still doesn't mean it's funny.

that's like saying "cancer didn't kill anyone" to someone who lost a loved one to cancer and then laughing in their face.

the only reason you'd find that funny is if you were a sociopath.
says the person who laughs at people being murdered and raped irl

Seems like every time he comes back he puts an effort in to make a fool of himself. its gotten pretty old

Agreed, was there in YLYL. Judging my humor as if I was handicapped.


i was talking to him in skype and i think i just talked him into killing himself

really im not sure but i was angry with him and he got all depressed

i was talking to him in skype and i think i just talked him into killing himself

really im not sure but i was angry with him and he got all depressed
What no what the forget why would stop him from it

uhh he's just depressed right now i think

i was talking to him in skype and i think i just talked him into killing himself

really im not sure but i was angry with him and he got all depressed
good job! you murdered someone on the internet

TheKid has earned 10 keks for this feat

i was talking to him in skype and i think i just talked him into killing himself

really im not sure but i was angry with him and he got all depressed
if you don't mind me asking, what did he do anyways?

telling anyone to kill themselves is really loving bad in anyway shape or form

I know I may be one to talk, but I've always thought of Swampivorous as a total handicap.

if you don't mind me asking, what did he do anyways?
i didn't tell him to kill himself but i was being really straight and frustrated with him and he started contemplating life. i've put up with his bullstuff for about 2 years and i pushed myself over the edge to talk to him.

tbh swamp has some serious issues, and this is coming from a guy who seen (and even been abit) them all

I'd doubt he's actually going to do it and likely will just go to reform himself