This subject in particular makes me curious, what with the recent drama and posts related to homoloveuality and stuff. This isn't a joke obviously, people get beat up for this stuff, ridiculed, and they don't really get a fair chance with society. I believe that if someone wants to be a certain way that doesn't hurt anyone else directly, or for the most part indirectly I guess, they should be able to do as they wish. You could probably call me slightly biased because my second best friend is bi, and she's an advocate for this stuff, but I'm still straight. Not because I don't think its okay, I think it's odd in my opinion, but that should not stop other people from doing as they please. I don't want it to stop others, and it shouldn't, in anyone's case. I believe that it is okay to think something is odd or nasty, but you cross the line when you start bashing it and trying to keep them from dong what makes one happy as long as it's hurting no one else.
What do you guys think about this?