Author Topic: Shadows and Shaders  (Read 20633 times)

ok yall so from now on aot will be a flat map with buildings

we here at the aot development center have decided to do this for more graphics pretty

this will upset some people but trust me its for the better

Flat nips?

no we are keepin the nips

tryin to get badspot to let us texture them as well

will ladies be un-obese

no we are keepin the nips

tryin to get badspot to let us texture them as well

Worth it

update: badspot said yes to the nipple texturing on one condition

we remove buildings and instead have marked out boxes on the ground outlining where the buildings would've gone

i wasnt sure about this so i decided to leave it up to our great aot community to decide

so, do yall want buildings or colored hi def nips?

forget nips
gimme da boobs

0/10 my computer will not handle it in case you're wondering, i'm sarcastic


textured nips for the win
who the forget needs buildings

ok guise did som work on the nip textures

hows the concept art