Author Topic: Nemo - Prologue: Finding the representative!  (Read 2503 times)

You're on the planet known as Pride.
But you aren't actually from here. You are, however, from the planet Incipium, which means you're a tall reptilian being. More specifically, you're from the south, where the stronger and slower Incipian race is from.

Anyway, you're in a restaurant in the middle of Cobalt, the capital of Pride.
Which is the capital of the Nexus Federation.

You're here to, uh... Well, you've never been good at the whole memory thing.
You get out your phone to check your notes for the one you made to remind you what you were gonna do, but first you decide to check your messages, just in case you've gotten any.
Nope. As always, the only one you see is one you sent to yourself a while back as a reminder for something else, before realizing you could just write notes for stuff.
Resuming the original mission, you tap the icon for the "Notes" software, and the most recent one is already shown:
"I'm on Pride to speak to an Incipian representative, and convince them to send some resources to Incipium to help out after a recent natural disaster."
Ah, so that's it. How does someone find a representative? Despite not having any new messages, you do have a few numbers saved on your phone:
"Cobalt Info," which is a number anyone can use to find information about the city. Numbers like these are often added automatically to someone's phone whenever they visit certain places.
"Boss," which is, well, your boss.
and "Joel," a coworker who came to Pride with you, but he left to goof off before long. He's so irresponsible.

So, what are you gonna do?
And by the way, what was the name shown for that message you sent to yourself?


what a great name :O

Let's ignore the rhetorical questions you ask and just start reading Cobalt Info.

Let's ignore the rhetorical questions you ask and just start reading Cobalt Info.
Well you're definitely gonna need a na-
Theodore Gribean

You are Theodore Gribean.
It's not a particularly traditional name for Incipians, but it's pretty popular to borrow names from other civilizations, anyway.

Now you call the number for "Cobalt Info." Someone picks up, and starts talking immediately:
"Hi! Welcome to Cobalt, the capital of the capital!
The number for emergency assistance is 812.

Press 1 for visitor information, such as finding a place to eat or somewhere to stay temporarily.
Press 2 if you need directions.
Press 3 to hear some of the history of Cobalt.
Press 4 for help finding a permanent residence."

Press 3
What an unorthodox approach! You like the way you think.

You press the number 3 on your phone, and wait for the person to begin talking again.

"Thank you for taking an interest in the history of this great city!
In the galactic year 273, a new government was just being formed; the Nexus Federation. It started out small, as all governments do. But in time, it grew to control over a third of the entire galaxy! This was mostly thanks to the ethical federal government and the amount of assistance it provides to other regions, even outside of its own territory. It's always been very popular. Until 392, they had been using various other planets to hold its capital. But during that year, with the growing amount of members, it was finally decided that they would find a dedicated capital planet for the federal government!

It was very exciting. But there was the issue of what planet to choose. And there was a real problem in the way of that decision, too. How can you please everyone? If you chose one civilization's planet, others might envy them and some arguments could arise! So they came up with an interesting solution: they would terraform an uninhabited planet in the goldilocks zone of a star randomly chosen from potential candidates!

The planet that got picked was, you guessed it, Pride! Well, it wasn't called that at the time, but you get the point. In the middle of the primary continent, they started building a city that would serve as the capital of Pride, and they would call it Cobalt. The entire process was finished by 395, and eventually, Cobalt grew to be the biggest city in the entire federation! That's where you are now! Isn't that cool?

Thanks again for taking an interest! Have a nice day!"
After listening to that lengthy bit of audio, you press the number 2.

"Hi again! What is your destination?"

Examine self.
what an odd destination

ot: Representative Headquaters

Examine self.
You... uh...
You ask the person on the phone to hold for a minute, and... go to the restaurant's bathroom. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you see that you're a pretty regular Southern Incipian. 6 feet and eleven inches, an average height for any race within your species.
You look at your eyes, and suddenly remember how weird Incipian eyes are compared to all the other species you've been seeing on this planet. Most other species have plain eyes, with a sclera, iris, and pupil. But Incipian eyes are different (looking forward, looking backwards. just a rough shape, and these are also the colors of your eyes). Your scales are a red color, and they feel rough. When you feel your claws scrape against them, it makes you uncomfortable.
We have different scale and eye colors, but Incipians from the south tend to have warmer colors and rough scales, like yours, while northern ones have cooler colors and smooth scales.

Representative Headquaters
Leaving the restroom, you go ahead and apologize to the person on the phone, then ask them if they know where you'd be able to find the place where representatives from other planets are headquartered.

"I actually do! You should be able to find at least one representative from any Federation planet at the Nexus Tower in the center of the city. Do you need help finding the tower?"

You say that you think you'll be able to find it on your own, and thank them for being so helpful.
After hanging up, you almost consider calling Joel too, to let him know where you're going, but decide against it. If he needs you, he'll call. He probably wouldn't be any help anyway.

You leave the restaurant, hop in your little personal ship, and find your way to the tower. It only takes a few minutes, though. The building really sticks out.

The options you're currently aware of are as follows:
1. See a receptionist to find who you're looking for.
2. Ask someone who looks like they work here.

from now on, whenever it's applicable, I'm gonna add that last bit. by including "currently aware of," though, I'm implying that you, as a player, can improvise an option of your own, if you want. that section is only there to represent what the character already knows he can do

Receptionist is the best choice.

new thread being made so this is no longer relevant (before, the post said that I was abandoning this)
« Last Edit: June 26, 2015, 10:19:16 PM by Foxscotch »

* Tudoreleu slowly shoves thread into great graveyard of dead community projects, right next to the YMDTW family and 256x256

* Tudoreleu slowly shoves thread into great graveyard of dead community projects, right next to the YMDTW family and 256x256
you know what though I might continue it sometime. not right now though. working on other stuff at the moment. eventually though I might start this back up
« Last Edit: June 26, 2015, 11:58:33 PM by Foxscotch »