Author Topic: [Video] [Add-on preview] Pilot battles sandmondays, dies countless times.  (Read 1405 times)

It's all still very work in progress (double jump sometimes fails, I know why but I don't know what I can do about it; ammo doesn't properly carry over to and from the ADS weaponImage [Rykuta said he'd work something out about this when he finds the time, so it should be fixed soon]; wallrunning hasn't be implemented at all yet) but I'm having fun working on it.

Rykuta: Everything relating to weapon scripting
Space Guy: Basis for doublejump code
Crystalwarrior: Wallrunning that isn't implemented yet, but still
Me: Models, sounds, and particle effects for the R-101C and jumpkit, assembling everything together I guess?


all publicity is good publicity amiright?

So it's like Titanfall, basically right?

Looks pretty friggen cool.

needs quake like weapons