Author Topic: ALS Ice Bucket chalange  (Read 9840 times)

... wtf is sclerosis
1.) trouble doing stuff
2.) trouble moving fingers ect
3.) trouble moving arms
4.) trouble moving legs
5.) cant move fingers ect
6.) cant move arms or legs
7.) trouble breathing ect
8.) needs machine to breath

basically your body slowly shuts itself down
is bad

1.) trouble doing stuff
2.) trouble moving fingers ect
3.) trouble moving arms
4.) trouble moving legs
5.) cant move fingers ect
6.) cant move arms or legs
7.) trouble breathing ect
8.) needs machine to breath

basically your body slowly shuts itself down
is bad
damn. Thank you for actually telling me

way to make you look like a smartass
but it's true
he can use google instead of making us type things

but it's true
he can use google instead of making us type things
script versus human... id rather hear it from a human than some boring technical possible super long wiki page about it.
and nobody is making you type anything. You can choose not to answer my question.

uh no not really
uh yes actually
« Last Edit: August 24, 2014, 11:35:29 PM by Starkiller »

What the forget does ALS do anyways
muscular atrophy

music begins to break down and "shrink" like after not working out for awhile, except way more extreme obviously. It gets so severe that you can no longer keep your head up, move your arms or legs and even breathe on your own

there, i did it

i won't do it again, i already did it like 3 or 4 times in the video

so damn cold
>Nominated me

uh yes actually
uh no actually
Don't expect us to explain everything for you, if you were to type in the exact same words in to google (or even less, eg "sclerosis") you would not only have the answer to your question but a far more detailed and reliable source of information about it. It would take less effort than posting it here and you would get your answer without looking stupid.
I'm saying this because from what I've seen of your posts in the past you are constantly relying on forumers to go out of their way to explain things to you as apposed to just getting it yourself and not bothering people.

I'm surprised people are still being upset by "Let me google that for you" links when not only is that website rather old, it's also very true that you can take about 3 more seconds out of your day to go to google and look up whatever it is you wanted.

As a matter of fact, I'm fairly certain that you googling Sclerosis would have taken less time than you making a post, asking about what it is and waiting for a response.

Anyways, I'm just glad that there still are people who donate after dumping the ice bucket on their heads. I've never done the challenge, but my sister has.

but it's true
he can use google instead of making us type things

but its bannabl
i actually got banned for doing it to someone :(

even though i agree that is a simple question that can be answered by googling :|

uh no actually
Don't expect us to explain everything for you, if you were to type in the exact same words in to google (or even less, eg "sclerosis") you would not only have the answer to your question but a far more detailed and reliable source of information about it. It would take less effort than posting it here and you would get your answer without looking stupid.
I'm saying this because from what I've seen of your posts in the past you are constantly relying on forumers to go out of their way to explain things to you as apposed to just getting it yourself and not bothering people.
if I had cared enough to get my answer 3.5 seconds sooner then I would have googled it.
LMGTFY is used to make the inquirer look like a moron who cant even google a simple question. Its actually simpler to just say "Google it" and its a lot more kind than LMGTFY.

LMGTFY is a way to make yourself feel smarter and better than the inquirer. So yes, it makes you loom like a smart ass.

It's also not the first time you've used the "if I'd cared enough" excuse as well. If you don't care don't ask. If you want an answer google it. LMGTFY will only make you look like a moron who can't use google if you are a moron who can't use google, and that is seeming more and more evident every time you try to use these forums as a search engine. In this scenario LMGTFY is not used to "make yourself feel smarter and better than the inquirer" it is used to make a point which is look it up yourself.
Going through a thread posting completely useless comments such as "wtf is..." is just stuffposting, there is no reason for the post to even exist. If you were to contribute to conversation then you would go and learn what it is and further discuss it. Instead of doing that, however, you have a habit of wasting other peoples time because you can't be bothered either finding out for yourself or just not posting.