Author Topic: Server Crashes When Some People Join  (Read 53495 times)

When you stoop to a level near that of the one you're insulting, how can you hope to get the point across?

Anyway, to get on topic:
Turds are always the first to defend the starfishs.

So your point here is that he hasn't done anything for this game in a while.
But he had done for years, muslim. You were a knee-high child when he started working on this game.
Sorry you weren't around when the game was new and being actively updated, but that's how life works.
Your problem for being born too late, it seems. It's not like you have a perfectly good game to play anyhow.
What the forget is this? "lol you were a fukkin kid wen this game was made xdddddd", seriously... what's that even supposed to mean. You dodged his main point there, that is "badspot just removes people from here that have opinions he doesn't like to hear".

So what you're saying is that all the users who have actively troubled the community, and gotten themselves banned numerous times, and have absolutely nothing else in their lives to do but to return and repeat their actions, are people we should allow to hang around and listen to them?

I'm sorry, but it's not exactly normal to let the convicts out and run the country, is it?
What a terrible loving comparison. He's saying that people who have legitimate suggestions or input should be allowed to speak, although in my opinion that should only be allowed if said person has cleaned up their act.

What the forget is even the point in your post here about this, muslim, if Valcle himself is admitting that he's involved.
You're simply stuff-stirring.

And furthermore, how could anyone possibly defend any actions of someone who is admitting that they are actively using an exploit in the game to crash people's servers?
What is wrong with you that you can't see that this is completely wrong?

Valcle has absolutely no right to crash anyone. It doesn't matter if it's a "bad situation" or he doesn't like the server or the host.
How sick in the head is he that he can claim he crashes people "for good reasons". People pay money to play this game and to enjoy it. They certainly didn't pay to have a stuffty little control-freak ruin their game.
And it is no defence at all that he has only used his exploit twice this month. Whoop-de-loving-doo!
I've managed to go 6 years without crashing a server, I must deserve a goddamn medal and a parade, plus the thousands of other users who've done it too.

Seriously, grow up. If you hang around in the sewers with the rest of the turds it's not long before everyone sees you as one too.
It's not difficult to stay out of trouble.
He even loving said, "This whole thing isn't to say that I don't recognize that Valcle has done this stuff in the past". He's AWARE that Valcle has been a stufflord. He's not defending Valcle's actions at all. The rest of your rant after that is just latching onto that one point. You even ignored some of what Muslim originally said.

Why should Valcle not be allowed to explain himself, that he is innocent in this instance just to save his hide from having personal information posted? Why should his personal info seriously be dangled over his head NOW for something he didn't do? I understand Badspot's frustration that some sperg has been loving with his game for a year, but I don't think posting his info over something he didn't do (for once) is gonna teach him a lesson.

yes please support dooble because of some stuffty insult. this just proves the 'follow the leader' complex this whole forum has.
says the one who thinks people give two stuffs about how much you respect them lol.

yes please support dooble because of some stuffty insult. this just proves the 'follow the leader' complex this whole forum has.
someone sounds butthurt. and I didn't imply that I was supporting dooble with my post.

Why should Valcle not be allowed to explain himself, that he is innocent in this instance just to save his hide from having personal information posted? Why should his personal info seriously be dangled over his head NOW for something he didn't do? I understand Badspot's frustration that some sperg has been loving with his game for a year, but I don't think posting his info over something he didn't do (for once) is gonna teach him a lesson.
idk he doesn't seem innocent to me
he said he used something to purposefully crash servers
but then he's gonna say... the same thing, he accidentally crashed servers with?
that seems pretty suspicious imo

but on the other hand I don't agree with posting people's personal information either
so there oughta be some kinda middle ground

yes please support dooble because of some stuffty insult. this just proves the 'follow the leader' complex this whole forum has.
didn't know liking normal human beings more than abnormal human beings is a "follow the leader" complex

says the one who thinks people give two stuffs about how much you respect them lol.
what's that got to do with anything? he's right on that a lot of you have a 'follow the leader' complex on here. a lot of you immediately side with the person who holds their opinion in the same light as badspot's, and when anyone else speaks differently they're met with 1000 smackdown.gifs as people reply to them

didn't know liking normal human beings more than abnormal human beings is a "follow the leader" complex
didn't know that people with differing opinions are "abnormal human beings"

didn't know that people with differing opinions are "abnormal human beings"
when you lose the respect of a person simply because that person doesnt support people ruining others fun, you arent a normal human being

a lot of you immediately side with the person who holds their opinion in the same light as badspot's,
you might have been right except i didnt even read doobles original wall of text, the first thing i saw was doobles comeback.

a lot of you immediately side with the person who holds their opinion in the same light as badspot's
you might have been right except i didnt even read doobles original wall of text, the first thing i saw was doobles comeback.

you might have been right except i didnt even read doobles original wall of text, the first thing i saw was doobles comeback.

That's even worse.