Greek2me's a loving blow over

Author Topic: Greek2me's a loving blow over  (Read 6365 times)

why does teabagging annoy you. like wtf.

i can see op's personality, He made a bigass deal over Teabagging, And when someone banned him, he made a bigass deal over that

You can't just insult the host and expect to be unbanned

 So, you expect us to believe you, without any pictures/evidence to back up what you said, later insulting Greek2me and cuss him out to unban you.

 10/10 - Solid Performance

Off-topic: Not to mention that you are so creative, that you basically were that smart, that you google searched 'Brotherhood of Steel' and used it's logo, I understand Fallout is a good game, but you could have a tad bit more understanding that basically taking the logos of Major 'Factions' from the Fallout games, isn't exactly the most creative idea.

The problem I have with teabagging is the people who do it. Most of the time a person will just go out to teabag every single person they kill or their team kills which is usually accompanied by them saying "owned" or another jeer like a smegma cunt. Teabagging can be funny sometimes but when you overdo it just to piss people off then it's annoying. These starfishs don't want to act or play normally and just want to piss other players off, and considering the majority of the age demographic that plays blockland it's pretty widespread.

So in conclusion over-teabagging is friendry and bitch brother thats the stuff I don't like

How do you even tbag in blockland anyways? Dont peole just lie down when they crouch?

If anything someone was probably humping you awkwardly.

The problem I have with teabagging is the people who do it. Most of the time a person will just go out to teabag every single person they kill or their team kills which is usually accompanied by them saying "owned" or another jeer like a smegma cunt. Teabagging can be funny sometimes but when you overdo it just to piss people off then it's annoying. These starfishs don't want to act or play normally and just want to piss other players off, and considering the majority of the age demographic that plays blockland it's pretty widespread.

So in conclusion over-teabagging is friendry and bitch brother thats the stuff I don't like

another thing is teabagging is not just halo or blockland
it's been done and popularized in almost every shooter ever.

So virtual teabagging in a game like Blockland annoys you? Lmao.

but jesus if you teabagged a dead body irl...

Every thing has been sorted out! So lets just let this topic die...

Then why did you loving bump it?

So virtual teabagging in a game like Blockland annoys you? Lmao.
it's a tradeoff of being brought up the right way and doing things with balls
your selfie game was pretty strong back then huh
your selfie game was pretty strong back then huh
if that's not grasping at straws i don't know what is

if that's not grasping at straws i don't know what is
true i probably used that a bit early but my point is that canto was (and maybe still is) one of the people i'm talking about who just go out to piss people off, although this isn't related to playing the game really