Need ideas to challenge me

Author Topic: Need ideas to challenge me  (Read 835 times)

So, i've been tinkering on this basic project, to expand my knowledge of coding, but i find it less and less intriguing, because i'm not sure where to go from here, that wouldn't get me way in over my head.
What i have so far here:
Code: [Select]
//Economy system
function serverCmdeconomymoney(%client)
%client.chatMessage("<color:ffffff><font:impact:20>Currently, the economy has <color:009900>$" @ $economymoney SPC "<color:ffffff>dollars on their bank account");
function servercmdrestarteconomy(%client)
$economymoney = "0";
messageAll('',"<color:ff0000><font:impact:20> The Economy has collapsed!");

function serverCmdDonate(%client,%amount)
if(%amount > %client.score)
%client.chatmessage("<font:impact:20><color:ffffff>You don't have that much to donate");

%client.chatmessage("<font:impact:20><color:ffffff>You have donated <color:009900>$" @ %amount SPC "<color:ffffff>to the economy!");

//Wallet money system using score
function serverCmdMakeMoney(%client)

%client.chatmessage("<font:impact:20><color:ffffff>You have made 5 dollars, you now have <color:009900>$" @ %client.score SPC "<color:ffffff>on your bank account");

function serverCmdMyMoney(%client)
%client.chatmessage("<font:impact:20><color:ffffff>You have <color:009900>$" @ %client.score SPC "<color:ffffff>on your bank account");
Any ideas?
« Last Edit: August 25, 2014, 02:57:20 AM by Dannu »

Work with schedules for a paycheck and a bottomPrint HUD.

Create a way for players to sell things to eachother and make offers to other players which they can accept or deny.

Create a way for players to sell things to eachother and make offers to other players which they can accept or deny.
I have no experience with inventories or items :/

I have no experience with inventories or items :/
Well if you make a bottom print HUD, you can do the same thing you have here. But instead of %client.score/%target.score you can make your own variable. Like %client.wood or %client.iron or make a dirt factory. As dirt is actually more expensive than you think.

Well if you make a bottom print HUD, you can do the same thing you have here. But instead of %client.score/%target.score you can make your own variable. Like %client.wood or %client.iron or make a dirt factory. As dirt is actually more expensive than you think.
Hm, i was thinking he meant ITEMS, my bad