Author Topic: Who are the worst people on blockland?  (Read 14801 times)


forgot there wasnt a edit button here
And you made a third post to say that xD

i hate myself, because everyone keeps telling me to shut up, and i hate myself for annoying people....

^^^^^^ this is true. oh and also almost everyone tells me im a homo for some reason.

people also say i spam

i hate myself, because everyone keeps telling me to shut up, and i hate myself for annoying people....

^^^^^^ this is true. oh and also almost everyone tells me im a homo for some reason.

people also say i spam
maybe because you write in tiny ass text that nobody can read

Ten speed

I'm really dumb or I have missed something, but who's OP?

I'm really dumb or I have missed something, but who's OP?

the worst person on blockland

Lol you made OP stop posting in his own topic

And you made a third post to say that xD
Yeah, sorry.

NOEDIT: After seeing Ten-speeds drama, and seeing how he treats women, i think im starting to hate him.

Although I hate Tezuni,
Seriously, Even if you don't try to freekill your banned. Like if your trying to kill a prisoner and you miss your banned for trying to tell the truth but they think your lying. "Banned. Reason: 'Freekilling' "

Seriously, Even if you don't try to freekill your banned. Like if your trying to kill a prisoner and you miss your banned for trying to tell the truth but they think your lying. "Banned. Reason: 'Freekilling' "

Well, this has never happened to me. I actually shoot-to-death if I see a prisoner with any type of weapons

maybe because you write in tiny ass text that nobody can read

Maybe because i write in huge ass text and i sometimes spam.

Maybe because i write in huge ass text and i sometimes spam.

Way to make it worse for yourself.

Please don't do unnecessary crap like this.

Why did everybody forget Hammereditor and Pacnet?