
Who should be the Co-Leader?

0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
Pie Crust
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 0

Author Topic: Logical - The clan for Logical Gates [CLAN IS DEAD]  (Read 18172 times)

What do we do?

If you know what logic gates are, then this is the clan for you!
We will be working on projects like making CPUs, Monitors, and other projects with Logic Gates!
Even if you dont know how anything with logic gates work, you can learn from us!
This clan is welcome to all members who wish to learn circuits.
But that is not all who we are, we are striving to becoming a multipurpose community clan. Participating in build projects, and much more.


None yet;


Nuclear Bear's Logic Gates Server


Currently: Offline
Open: No
Host: Home
Server Host: Nuclear Bear
Brick_Extra_Logic: Yes
Projects on server: Not yet


Nuclear Bear (33750)        G
Nicepoint (25816)            L
ProTear (109211)             ?
Aiden12 (43061)             M  L
Jibilito BLID                      G  L
Ethan8014 BLID                 L
Pie Crust (27690)              M  L
How do I become a member?


Just do the following:

Fill out our application

* means required.

Time Zone:*
Logic Gate skills:*
Do you like using Extra_Logic?:
Have you made anything complicated before using logic gates?:

Email is for if you dont have steam so we can contact you about meetings or events.
Skype is for group calls.

Please put -LG- for one of your clan tags. This is not required

Meetings will most likely be on Weekends since school has started for almost all of us, they are not required to go to either.


Tuesday, August 26, 2014, 05:59:41 PM EST: Clan was created

Monday, October 20, 2014, 8:00 PM EST: Owner comes back from the dead

Monday, October 20, 2014, 8:30 PM EST: We have a steam group!Check it out!

Monday, October 20, 2014, 9:05 PM EST: We now have an email

Tuesday, November 11, 2014, 4:22 PM EST: OP Updated

Tuesday, November 11, 2014, 4:22 PM EST: Classes Schedule Begins

January Calendar posted on Page 5

You can contact me for information at logicgatesblockland@yahoo.com.
Send your Application, ask for Help, anything really. Just dont spam us c:

http://steamcommunity.com/groups/GillBates Is our new Steam group.

Logical Forum
« Last Edit: March 31, 2015, 01:56:48 PM by Ducky duck »

Cool to see a clan about this! Good luck

I'd like to apply.

Ign: Nicepoint
BL_ID: 25816
Time Zone: idk, but I live in Finland
Logic Gates: No exp yet.Do I like using logic stuff?: yes
Have you made anything complicated before: Well with relays and stuff.

I wanna join to learn about logic gates.

I'd like to apply.

Ign: Nicepoint
BL_ID: 25816
Time Zone: idk, but I live in Finland
Logic Gates: No exp yet.Do I like using logic stuff?: yes
Have you made anything complicated before: Well with relays and stuff.

I wanna join to learn about logic gates.


You stole Doughclan's star icon. Die
Lol jk, they don't belong to us lol.

You stole Doughclan's star icon. Die
Lol jk, they don't belong to us lol.

Spoiler tho, I copied the Image URL from his OP.
Doesn't matter since its a public use icon.

i wanna join so can i join?

time zone:irl im 8 so idk whats the time zone im in
logic gate:very low experience but i like logic gates
have i built something complicated:noI thought it meant only for logic gates but its for anything so anwser is yes because i made a rainbow machine thingy

pls let me join because im new to the blockland forums but not blockland!!!
Can you also teach me how to use logic gates!
« Last Edit: October 08, 2014, 01:03:30 PM by cHeEsEpIzZa2 »

I wanna join.

ign:idk what a ign
time zone:irl im 8 so idk whats the time zone im in
logic gate:very low experience but i like logic gates
have i built something complicated:no

pls let me join because im new to the blockland forums but not blockland!!!

I wanna join.

ign:idk what a ign
time zone:irl im 8 so idk whats the time zone im in
logic gate:very low experience but i like logic gates
have i built something complicated:no

pls let me join because im new to the blockland forums but not blockland!!!
I forgot to say I want you to teach me more of logic gates