Author Topic: Xalos's Anti-Idea-Stealing Release  (Read 12776 times)

That TRON gamemode was cool. I miss that. I was so frickin' pro at it. There was a huge ball of cubes covering the sky, and I managed to duck and weave through all of them. Loved it.

Space mod and better flight, but I don't think either are done yet

I think if you posted a list of addons you've made then you'd get a lot more requests.

Please can somebody make a video on this one, I wish i could try it out but my pc is broke and it's not fixable
Gamemode_Solar_Apoc - try to survive during the day!

Please can somebody make a video on this one, I wish i could try it out but my pc is broke and it's not fixable
Gamemode_Solar_Apoc - try to survive during the day!

You have to collect resources at night, and during day you need to be in the shadows. Day gets hotter over time destroying more and more blocks, day 60 is extinction and it resets.

Space Mod pls

These will not be released until they meet two criteria: stability and ease of use.

RSM is unstable, unfinished, unpolished, and difficult to debug if something goes wrong.

It fails literally every metric for releasability there is.

Any other add-ons people would like to see released?
Your Murder Mystery mod was always fun to play, I would love to see that released!

Your Murder Mystery mod was always fun to play, I would love to see that released!

I'll see if I can get it into a releasable state.

I really wish people would post other add-ons.

  • I'm working on releasing Murder Mystery, but I have to get the bots to a much better place than they're at now.
  • Realistic Space Mod is unreleasable for reasons that I have already outlined.
  • Better Aerodynamics is technically releasable at this point in time, but I'm trying to consult an actual pilot to get it to be as realistic as possible.
  • The TRON gamemode is dull and boring after five minutes. I'd really like it if someone could make the models I've already asked for.

If people posted other release suggestions, I could work on more at once and thus release more add-ons more quickly.

So are you planning on working on Realistic Space Mod to bring it to a releasable state or putting a pin in it?

I really wish people would post other add-ons.

  • Better Aerodynamics is technically releasable at this point in time, but I'm trying to consult an actual pilot to get it to be as realistic as possible.

If people posted other release suggestions, I could work on more at once and thus release more add-ons more quickly.
Yeah, better aerodynamics was way different from how things acted in flight simulators (like FSX and YSFlight.) If you want to check YSFlight out, the simulator is actually free, although it's free, so don't expect too much.

You'd get more release suggestions if you had a list of things you have, like maybe pictures of your add-ons folder or something.

im curious
what is the solar apoc mod?

edit: Does Xalos know of the Firefighter mod? I would love to see it re-published

Does Xalos know of the Firefighter mod? I would love to see it re-published

I do know of it, actually - in fact, I made my own fire mod with simplified thermodynamics, but I lost it in a hard drive failure.

I could try remaking it, but I'd need a modeller. Problem is, I seem cursed to be unable to get modellers to actually do anything.

im curious
what is the solar apoc mod?

edit: Does Xalos know of the Firefighter mod? I would love to see it re-published
I have a version of Zor's fire mod that doesn't destroy bricks or change colors, but I didn't make it. Contact TB2.

I'm currently working on a complete overhaul of the Avatar Saver, as well as a suuuper seeecret gamemode.

I'll release both once they're finished, and then work through my add-ons systematically to get them all to a releasable state.

Everything Else
Weapon_DeathPaint - kill other players with a blue paint can!
Oh hey, it's the death paint I asked you to make for me before :O